Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why is my boyfriend always late?

He is late for everything! I always add on thirty minutes to an hour of whatever time he says he'll be somewhere. Also, when we are getting ready to leave the house he takes forever to walk out the door. He's inside doing the most odd things, like reading junk mail that's sat on the counter for a week. It's like all of the sudden he desperately needs to look at it right as we're about to leave. I go outside and wait for him while he fiddles with crap around the house. It drives me nuts! Why does he do that? I sometimes wonder if he's got some wierd anxiety. He also collects junk. He has a hard time of letting go of old stuff and he used to have to exit a building the same way he entered.

Why is my boyfriend always late?globe theater

He could have some sort of mild OCD/pack rat syndrome.

Or he could just be selfish and insensitive. It's common courtesy to be at least fairly punctual for EVERYONE, not just your SO. And when I say punctual, that includes a 15 minute grace period.

Lots of people who have a form of perfectionism are often pack rats and tardy. The reason why is that they fear imperfection so much that they actually make themselves tardy, either from fear of having neglected something or fear of not being perfect no matter how obsessive they have been. They also keep junk around because they can't bear the idea of "making a mistake" in throwing out something that might conceivably be useful in some minor fashion in the future.

Why is my boyfriend always late?oper opera theater

He sounds like a mad scientist to me. Tell 'em to make me a Playstation 3, yo.

Nuh I think the dude is just indecisive.
Who might just be the way he is. Some people are always late. n
So long as he is late for everything and not just you honey, you have not got a problem. He does have a problem, but do not go near a psychiatrist -- they are crazies.

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