Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?

Ok so I know being 2 days late in the grand scheme of things isn't really that big of a deal and I really haven't been stressing until now... I am now 2 days late and I keep feeling like I am going to be getting AF and my boobs are so painful and I have been feeling very nauseous...besides my boobs, I have not had really any symptoms prior to missing AF. I have taken tests 13DPO, 15DPO(day of missed period) and today (not with FMU) all negs....Can you please tell me your experience if you got a late +? Thanks in advance!

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?star theater

My cycle was two days late once it may be stress I say wait if AF doesn't come then test..***BABY DUST***mother of one maybe preggo with #2 waiting to test myself..

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?extension opera theater

The only thing I know to tell you is to go to your doctor. I had the same issues and thought I was prego and went to the doctor and I had PCOS(Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome).. it can mess up your horomones and make you feel like you are pregnant!

First Response is a good home test to take if you want to try again in a week if you decide to wait to go to the DR.
Okay, first... one late period doesn't mean all your periods will be late. If you're late one month, you should be on time (29 day cycles) the next month.

However... if you miscarried last month, it could take a minute for your body to re-adjust. I would give it more time. If your period doesn't start by this weekend, test again.

If the test is still negative and still no period, I would see a doctor. You may have a hormone issue going on.

Good luck.

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