Saturday, December 5, 2009

Should I pay a debt recovery notice (DVD late fees) if it has the incorrect name on it?

We received a debt notice for late fees on 3 DVDS (only a week overdue) but it has the wrong name on it. Acccount was in my name with my partner as a second user but for some reason they have put a combination of parts of both names onto the notice. I contacted the video shop 3 months ago and they agreed to setlle for $60 plus collection costs and they would inform the collection agency of this. However 3 months later we now have another notice and they obviously haven't communicated with each other.

I am getting fed up waiting for them to sort this out (there is no way I am paying additional fees because of their delays) and I am now wondering if I should just ignore their debt notices since they can't even put the correct name on it (I didn't tell the vIdeo shop it had the wrong name on the notice). Surely they can't pursue legal proceedings if the person named on the notice doesn't exist????

Any advice?

Should I pay a debt recovery notice (DVD late fees) if it has the incorrect name on it?opera music

You ADMIT you owe the money. You SHOULD have paid 3 months ago. FORGET the collection agency. If you settle with the original creditor, you are clear even if they NEVER tell the collection agency. If they decide to sue, the attorney WILL find the correct information.

Should I pay a debt recovery notice (DVD late fees) if it has the incorrect name on it?opera sheet music opera theater

Call the collections office ASAP and talk to them about it. They'd rather you call and work it out with them, and talk about it, then to end up in court.
Well if its not addressed to you or your partner then technically I don't think they can. I would be a stretch though.
Will this affect your credit rating?

Many places require your drivers license number, your Social Security Number, credit card number, or something significant like those to open an account. If you don't settle this your credit rating will be affected.

In other words, the name mistake won't matter - they have important numbers of yours.
Go the video store. Ask them to print something out that shows you don't owe any money. Then send it to the collection agency. Problem solved.

But never ever ignore something like this, or you'll find liens on things you own, or be turned down for a loan.
I had a collection agency after me because I had a similar name and similar street name to someone else. They got my number out of the phone book and harrassed me constantly. I had to go down to the company they were after money for, and I stood there while the manager called them and told them I had never used their services. It all stopped straight away. I'd go down and speak to the manager of the video store, it may have been sent to you by accident.
A default can only be listed on your credit file once you are 60 days in arrears. So the video shop is jumping on this early by sending threatening letters through their collection agency.

Firstly I would contact both the video shop and the collection agency and notify them of the error and give them the correct spelling of both your names.

Most companies these days have the ability to default your name for being in default of your contract (borrowing a dvd is a contract-thats the form you sign when you join a video shop)

Make sure you have documented when you have contavted the video shop,time,date whom you spoke to and what was said between you.

If it was me, I would write to the collection agency telling them the arrangement you had with the video shop %26amp; ask the collection agency to honour this verbal agreement' of paying $60 in total and have them chase this up with the video shop.

The video shop just wants their money and once they send your information to the colection agency, they pretty much wipe their hands clean and have the collection agency do all the dirty work.

Make sure you that you ask the collection agency to put in writing that once you pay the collection agency the $60, they will provide you a letter stating that the debt is $0.00 and no further action will be taken against you.

If you don't pay, then you may be defaulted and in some cases, this will stop you from getting most loans in your name, so get onto it straight away.
based upon your condition,I think you should find something useful here.http://debt-consolidation.featured-resou...

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