Saturday, December 5, 2009

Problem with vision/eyes during late afternoons and nights?

I get a lot of pain in my eyes during late afternoons and nights, they get really red even with visine the red won't go away. What I am really worried about is the fact that my vision seems to get a little distorted, during the day my vision is perfect but as soon as the sun starts to set I have a really hard time recognizing faces and I can't read signs while driving. I want to know a couple of things, first, do you guys have any ideas about what this is and should I go to my family doctor or go ahead and go to the eye doctor?, this has been going on for a couple of years but it wasn't every day, this last couple of weeks it's been daily and I am getting a lil bit worried. Thanks!.

Problem with vision/eyes during late afternoons and nights?regal theater

My first advice would be to lay off of the Visine. That stuff is bad. And it can cause rebound issues which might be contributing to your redness as the day goes on. Stop the Visine for a week and use something like Genteal for a lubricant. Your eyes might get redder if you are technically addicted tot he Visine. If id does not dlear up in a week you need to see an eye Doctor. I would see one anyway.

Problem with vision/eyes during late afternoons and nights?performing art center opera theater

You should definitely see a doctor. There is something wrong!

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