Saturday, December 5, 2009

My bf talks to women late at night on the phone & pc. He says they are just friends but I have a

He tells me every day he loves me. I live in TN and he lives in MO. I go see him every weekend. He seems so happy when I am there. It breaks my heart to think he is lying to me.

I brought the fact up that his cell phone bill was sent to my house and I opened thinking it was an advertisement (I had been getting alot - I had ordered his phone for him)...well the at first glance it appeared to be $100 and I freaked thinking he was going to have a heartattack. After reviewing, I see where there is LOTS of late night calls to people in Knoxville and in KS and other areas hour to two hours sometimes longer. I got so upset because I know he told me that he talked to other women who says are his friends...but for that long? Am i being paranoid...i am scared to death that he is cheating on me....verbally if you know what I mean....someone please help....

My bf talks to women late at night on the phone %26amp; pc. He says they are just friends but I have a bad feeling?theater seating

my boyfriend talks to girls too. i meani talk to guys.. i dont call them.. normally text them. but i trust my boy.. he's in CA right now, and im in MD.. hes in the marines so he's gone a lot.. if its meant to be then it will happen. dont be worried. maybe you should talk to some guy friends too?

My bf talks to women late at night on the phone %26amp; pc. He says they are just friends but I have a bad feeling?lyric opera opera theater

he is a player move on and find someone near you that will be good to you,this guy cant be trusted
OMG Girl let him go!! He is not worth it and you can do better then that.
Has he given your reason not to trust him (I mean other than the calls)? Did you know he had female friends when you met him? I'd question him about it and take him at his word until/unless he gives you reason not to trust him.
He is probably just flirting around. Nothing says you can't do the same.
will good luck with that ask he to stop like to talk my email
Wow, it sounds like he's got a good deal here...

He's got a woman who buys him things and travels to see him every weekend. He doesn't have to put in any effort at all!

AND he gets to have a girl "friend" in practically every state.

If you only see him on weekends, you don't know that he isn't seeing these other women. I think you have bad feelings for a reason. You can try to ask him about it, but if he's lying he's just going to keep on lying. If you don't trust each other, you really can't have a valuable relationship. Either way, it doesn't look good.
I cannot say whether you bf is cheating on you or not but I don't blame you for a being a bit threatened by his relationship with these other women.

Surely if he has enough in common with them to talk for up to two hours or longer then you would worry they may have some connection which may turn into something more serious.

Do these women feel the same as him or do you think perhaps they hold hope for a little more.

Not sure what to advise because he is entitled to have women friends and if you make a fuss then you appear possessive and jealous.

Perhaps you could have a talk to him calmy and nicely and just explain how you feel, and perhaps suggest to him that these other women may be developing feelings for him even it he thinks they are 'just friends'.

Good luck
wow sorry to break it to u but that is what it seems like. im sorry but i would not let my boyfriend talk to any friends at that time. that time is for me. if we spend the whole day workingand then i got school at what time are we gonna talk. yeah we talk tru out the day but at nite is when we really have a converstaion. and usually the guy talk at nite with someoe they are interested in. talk to him and tell him that u dont like him talking to other woman at that time. and that he wouldnt like it if u talked to men at nite for hours. if he kkeps doing that u are gonna have to make a decision u either let him do it or break it off. im sorry but i would not allow my man to talk to other woman at nite.
late night phone call for hours at a time!!!! definately a red flag. i'd be suspicious too. i think people who say not to worry about this are the same people who trust their idiot boyfriends and then act surprised when they catch him cheating. look, if you have a bad feeling about this, trust your instincts. have u ever met these girls he's friends with? did u know he was friends with them before u started dating? if not, i'd say somethings up. and as paranoid as it sounds, if he's just friends with them, i'd ask him to introduce you to them and or call them while your with him to see what type of relationship they do have.

if u really wanna know w/o asking him, i'd call the girls. tell them this is your man's phone %26amp; u got the bill %26amp; ur curious as to who he's speaking to for hours late at night. look girl, don't be stupid. if he's telling the truth, he'll have no problem intro u to them to prove that he's only friends with them. he should be on the phone with you late at noght, not them! and he has a whole week in which to do who knows what behind your back. be smart %26amp; walk away. don't be psycho about it, just tell him calmy that you don't believe him %26amp; if he loves you, he'll prove to u that they're just friends. but in the end, do u really want a man who does these things? woman does.
This is the one thing that makes my blood boil is cheating! The one thing I have learned in this world of Internet and the cell phone, it is so easy for women and men to hook up.

I also believe that you should always trust your gut feeling. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck. A cheater always is able to hide his or her stuff for a while.

One thing they forget is, not all people are stupid. If my old man was up chatting or on the phone. He'd be history! The phone bill says it all honey.
I know that you are scared right now, but you have to learn to trust your man. Think of the situation like this, if he really isn't cheating and you keeping bringing up the situation, eventually he is going to break up with you because he feels as if you can't get pass that incident, and trust him. So if it is meant for you and him to be together, you will. Only God has the plan for you life. Don't stress on things that you don't have concrete evidence of. He may in fact have female friends, and just ask him if you could meet his friends. That way, you will know the difference. If he doesn't want to introduce you, then you will know that he really is cheating. I learned a long time ago, that a man will be a man regardless. Just let him be him, and if he really cares about you, and you know he does, then don't pressure him with it. Give it some will know! I just don't want you to be stressed out over an assumption. Stress is a number 1 killer! So be easy!! Okay!??!?! :-) Good Luck!!
Actions speak louder then words you may not want to hear it but this is not a good sign. You found the proof Men in general do not stay on the phone for hours with "just friends" How long is he on with his buddies? There is more going on here. Have some respect for your self since he is not showing you any. He is lying and taking you for being stupid. I would dump him quick. Your gut never lies you are not paranoid. How many other people do you know that this kind of behavior goes on.

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