Thursday, December 10, 2009

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stre

Im only a few days late on my period, im having breast tenderness, fatigue, food cravings, and mood swings, does this mean that i am pregnant, or that my period is just late, or it might not come because of the stress, i sometimes feel those syptoms before i get my period, but im not getting cramps like i usually do,, please help !! thaannkkss

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stressed?opera singer

there is nothing anyone can tell you on here. those symptoms could be pms related or pregnacny related. it is time to test! good luck!

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stressed?amc theater opera theater

The only thing you can do is take a home pregnancy test.
u just need to calm down and go buy a pregnancy test and finally get the answer!!! that way u could start planning on the new born or just making planof your life with out one, eather way u must get a pregnancy test!! good luck!!! :) u hav sex?
wow! i've been there sweetie, i was like 2 weeks late but it turned out i was too stressed out and that affects your period a lot. but you need to use protection so you won't be worrying about this every month! just in case tho you should definately take a pregnacy test! remember condoms are your best friends! :)
you need to take a test its the only way you can find out for sure
sometimes you can't trust symptoms, I also have those symptoms a few days before my period, but most of the times I am not preggers anyway. I suggest wait for another week and test if period does not show up. Do you have regular PD? like every 28 days? all the time? If yes.... go do a pg test after a week. Good luck
you could just be stressed... the only way you can know for sure is to take a pregnancy test

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