Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?

last month, my husbond %26amp; i started trying for our secound child. my cycle is predictable. i'm always on time or early, never late. i set up an ovulation calender to see about when i'd be ovulating. we had sex a couple times a day for 5 or 6 days. for the past week or so i've been a lot more tired than normal, having cravings(nothing crazy), been more hungry %26amp; a little crampy. sometimes worse than others. usually i start getting cramps, it gets really bad %26amp; then i get my period. well, i once in a while will feel a little crampy but it goes away. i'm 2 days late today %26amp; took a first response test but it was negative. is it still possible that i'm pregnant? when should i test again %26amp; know that it's an accurate result? thanks to anyone that can help!! ~ashley

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?

Your symptoms sound good. First response is a crappy test though, they don't seem to be as sensitive as they once were. I had good results with this pg with clear blue easy. Equate is supposed to be awesome as well. Hope you get a bfp soon:)

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?opera mobile opera theater

Hi...I don't have an answer for you as I am in the same boat. I should have started my period a couple of days ago and so far nothing. My last period was 12/24 and we had sex on the 4th and 13th and several times this past week. My husband is gone a lot so I didn't think there was a chance of my being pregnant...especially after 4 hpt that were all neg. How long do you have to wait to see a positive? I took one early this morning and it was neg too. This is getting old!!! :)
had all the same symtoms and i am now 7wks. although i didnt show up on any test blood or urine until i missed 2 periods. good luck
As to if you are pregnant or not I can not answer that. I used first response when I was pregnant and it detected the HCG hormone 2 days before my missed period, however the level of HCG in your system depends on when you ovulated and when implantation occurred, so I would suggest that if you don't start your period a week after its due to test again and see what it say and if its negative then more en-likely your not pregnant. Stress can cause a delay in your period and so can the desire to be pregnant.
repeat the test after 1 week to be sure
It's possible that you are still pregnant,because my sister's friend was 5 days late when she was pregnant,but then she gaved birth and everything came out good,her baby was healthy also.But if i were you,i would try and check other doctors that might know more.
Yes it is possible to still be pregnant even though the pregnancy test came out negative. It's happened to me.

If you really want to know.... go to your GYN and have them take a blood test. It could give you a more accurate result.

You do sound like you have pregnancy symptoms though. Hopefully you are pregnant.

Good Luck to you and your husband sweetie.....
my girl had just been two weeks late and was going threw the same things as you and than this morning all of a sudden couldnt sleep and started bleeding not trying to give your hopes up but the test said negitive and it was right

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