Thursday, December 10, 2009

How late do schools hire for the next year?

My SO is getting very concerned that he doesn't have a position for next fall with a school. He just graduated. I think that there is still time. He is not so sure. Many of his classmates have positions waiting. So at what point is it too late to expect a job offer for a school district and time for him to look for something else to do for money this fall?

How late do schools hire for the next year?opera cd

There is still plenty of time. The basic hiring goes like this.

1. March-April- schools start offering contracts to current teachers. Some teachers are retiring, or have not been rehired.

2. April-May-Schools fill the positions of teachers they already knew were not going to return. The teachers they hire then submit letters of resignation to their current schools. (They probably signed contracts back in March as a backup plan in case they didn't get a new job).

3. May-July-Schools repeat the above process. New jobs open up, and then the teachers that get those positions resign, leaving a new vacancy.

Most of the shuffling around gets done by mid-July. Your son needs to keep checking on available positions for the next couple of months. If, by the end of July, he still does not have any job offers, he should think about trying to find another job for the fall. Substitute teaching in the schools where he would like to work is always a good plan. If they like him as a sub, he will already have his foot in the door when the next full-time teaching position opens up. Long-term subbing is usually best because schools see his ability to actually teach, instead of just baby-sitting for a day. Tell him to be flexible about the position he is willing to accept. He probably won't get his first choice the first year, but can work his way into it. If he is qualified to teach it, he should apply for it. (I am certified in math and science, but I like math a lot better. My first job, I had to be split-half math, half-science. That was the only way the district could afford to hire me, so I took it, and then the next year I was able to go to all math.)

Good luck to him in finding a job.

How late do schools hire for the next year?opera singer opera theater

I believe many positions are filled during the summer. You should also check around and find out which schools have teachers who will be out for just part of next school year, like for a maternity leave and see if he can fill that spot. It will often lead to a full time job.

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