Saturday, December 5, 2009

My period is 7 days late...could i be pregnant?

I had sex with my partner,and i thought i was being cautious by instructing him to wear acondom. Now its April and my period is late. I dont sleep around and he is the only person Ive had sex with and it has been protection only. Because I just had a baby 4 months ago and I wanted to prevent from getting pregnant again. Could it be possible that Im pregnant? Could a womanget pregnant if a condom is used during intercourse? To my knowledge the condom didnt break, so Im not sure what it could be.

My period is 7 days late...could i be pregnant?opera sheet music

99% no chance if the condom didn't break so yes there is a slight chance you will be pregnant but very unlikely

My period is 7 days late...could i be pregnant?shows opera theater

YES , take a test, you are very fertile after having a baby!

it is a possibility =get it checked out =if you are you is gonna be one busy mommy
It could be, but it also could be that your body isn't getting into a solid cycle yet. You could be very stressed, or he could have been sloppy. Anything is possible.

Give your mind a break and take a HPT.
the condom is not 100% sure. Go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnacy test
your cycles are off.. you just had a baby 4 months ago...

You probably arent pregnant, because of the condom.

your loopy hormones are probably messing up your cycles.

Though it is still possible to get pregnant anytime you have sex.
dude just chill. seven days isnt that much. make a big deal when its like a month.
Sounds like your hormones are still off. You could be stressed from taking care of the baby. You can take a test now if you are unsure but if you still don't get it in a week or two I would see the dr.
You are the most fertile right after you've given birth. A lot of people have kids who are only 11, 12, or 13 months apart. Buy a pregnancy test!!!
well you could be pregnant being its easier to get pregnant after you have a baby but i don't think you are. it could be stress or being that you just had a baby you might not be regular yet. just incase take a test.
maybe it just late wait a little and see if it come if it dont then get tested
With having a baby only 4 months ago, your body is still getting back to normal and it will be awile before your cycles become regular again. If the condom was old or had a little tear in it, you could be pregnant. Test to be sure and maybe think about doubling up your birth control methods if having a baby would be too hard on you right now.
There could be a small hole instead of the condom actually breaking. I'd say there could be a chance that you are pregnant again.

Since you just had a baby though, it might be possible that your body is still getting regulated again. My advice...go to the store and spend the $10 on a pregnancy test. If not for anything else, peace of mind.
it could be a number of things you could just be stressed or what some call trick tought its a german frase you could just be making your body think its pregnet so try to calm your mind take a at home test let us no the news good luck
it is possible. but there is no sense in asking on yahoo answers. if you really want to know, you should take a pregnancy test or go to a doctor.
its possible but...mayb wait one more week

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