Saturday, December 5, 2009

My periode was 6 days late and when it came it spotted for 3 days then was very heavey .?

hi well my periode was late 6 days and when it came it was only spotting for 3 days and it was orange then it started to get extreamly heavey and my entire periode lasted for 9 days but now i am getting very tired and going to the bathroom a lil more and some other things as well could i be pregnant .all my periodes are normal.

My periode was 6 days late and when it came it spotted for 3 days then was very heavey .?greek theater

Once when I was late and then had a period that was longer than usual I asked my doc about it and he said that most likely it was a miscarriage and that most pregnancies actually end in miscarriages and the women have no idea. Not sure if this is what happened to you just a possibility.

My periode was 6 days late and when it came it spotted for 3 days then was very heavey .?performing arts show opera theater

your not pregnant.... you just having a horrible period. if you still think you are (even though your not) then i suggest making a Dr's appt.
i was 5 days late once and the same thing happened... No, you are not pg...On a normal 28 day cycle the normal time to start is anywhere from 24-30 days later... A Dr does not really consider you late on your period till you are a total of 11 days late.. Believe I know i have asked my doc several times. You had your period and no you are not pg... Remember not to want to be pg to much because you body will start to show sign of being pg and in reality you really aren't you mind is a big trickster...

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