Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am 2 weeks late?


I am 2 weeks late?performing arts show

It could be one of many symtpoms of many ailments.

1) Take a HPT

2) See a doctor

I am 2 weeks late?opera cd opera theater


Sometimes, you don't even have it for a month!

It's possiable, it happend to my friend.

And the whole side effects, it's normal.

After 3 weeks, go see the doctor!
Pregnancy is the logical answer. See a doctor.
Go to walgreens and buy clear blue easy pregnancy test. Confirm that you arte pregnant.
try 2 weeks early that way you can avoid the problems
You could be pregnant, sick, your period is coming up or your just a teen with periods that aren't predictable .
if you start throwing up..... you might be pregnant. or maybe you ate/drank affected you somehow
stress can do it too...but I would just get the test
I was three weeks late and thought I was pregnant, even though I was on the pill. I eventually got my period. I think it was stress related. Take a pregnancy test...if it is negative wait a few days and take it again. Good luck!
take a test for pregrancy but its not a big thing so just take the test just in case
is there a chance u could be pregnant ? if so take a test ,if not its probably just late and on its way
All my life, my periods have been late or non existant. Sometimes I will only get two a year. The first explanation is pregnancy. Those are all symptoms of that. Then, you have to remember that a change in hormone levels are what causes those things in the first place. If you have been under extreem stress, your period could be late and cause all types of hormone surges. Then there is the psychological portion. I know when I was trying to get pregnant, I would have all types of symptoms in hopes that I was. Or when I was worried I might be and I didnt want to be, the same thing would happen. At this point a home pregnancy test should be very accurate for you. Plus it will put your mind at ease. Good luck!
Well, the most likely explaination is pregnancy so you should get a pregnancy test and try that first. Quite often tho if you have gained or lost weight in a significant amount, been getting either more or less exercise or have been ill at all lately these can all cause the same symptoms. If you start to have frequency of urination then definately go for the pregnancy test first.
That was always my firts sign of prehnancy sore boobs! Take a test!

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?

Okay my hubby and I have been ttc for a while,I'm 8days late and yesturday I took a hpt negative. I have had bad cramping this past week, like I'm getting my period, I go and check nothing. my boobs are sore and my left on is swollen, I haven't slept in about a week. i'm tired, and cranky. Has this happen to anyone?? would really like some advice on what todo..

I'm not stressing, just trying to stay calme

But I'm hoping i'm pregnant!!!

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?ballet theater

Test again in a few days. I have heard some woman don't get a positive until they are 14 days late.

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?chicago theater opera theater

its very possibly u might have a baby on the way!
Try taking a hpt again today, it should be saying positive by now if you were though. They usually can pick up the hormone within a few days of being late.
HPTs are usually very accurate. However, I think you should do another one. If your period is usually on time, sounds like you could be pregnant. Good Luck!
It sounds like you very well may be. All of that happened with me when I was pregnant with my twins and a hpt did not show until I was 6 weeks! I highly suggest the ept hpt, it showed a faint line when ALOT of other tests did not! As for advice STAY CALM....good luck! (go get an ept and take it first thing in the morning!!)
You are showing a lot of the symptoms of pregnancy- maybe you should go out and get yourself a couple more tests just to make sure! HPTs produce more false negatives than false positives, so you could well be pregnant.

However, the only thing I would be worried about is the cramping you're experiencing. Usually when you've conceived, you'd feel a bit bloated and tender, but not usually crampy. Have a chat with your doctor to make sure there is nothing you should be worried about.

I wish you the best of luck and if you haven't conceived yet, hope you do very soon!
I'm feeling the same as you and am 5 days late with bfn, been ttc for 18 months. I'm still hoping I may be pregnant cos can't really deal with another disappointment. Just try and do another test in a couple of days and maybe go see your doctor. Baby dust to you.
You should be getting a positive result by now, BUT there are exceptions to every rule. Some women produce the pregnancy hormone at a slower rate than others, and it's not unheard of for a woman to go into her 6th week or longer with no positive test. a blood test at the Dr.'s office will give you all the answers you need! Best of luck to you.....and LOTS of baby dust :)
test again in a few days if af dont show or u might need to get a blood test done GOOD LUCK!!!

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?

Hi there - I am thinking about getting new windows and siding. I have regular wood but would like to get fiber cement (Hardie) and new windows. However, it's November and I think that it might be cheaper now (because not much work gets done this time of year) but I live in the North where the days are about 12 hours long now and the night are below freezing.

Any suggestions? Of course the siders and installers say they work year round, but wondering if there will be any potential problems with doing windows and hardie in probably late November by now. Thanks.

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?concert tickets

When they change windows out they do one at a time.They remove one and install the new one.Weather has nothing to do with it.There should be a house wrap under the new siding so that will also block out the weather.Take advantage of the late season price and make your home better for the cold weather now.

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?theater seating opera theater

if you can close off a portion of your place and shift that closed off portion around as the pur in the new windows then it shouldnt be a problem or additional expence. we did that in nov to get the cheaper rates. the siding should be not problem unless the snow starts piling up. the other option is to go on vacation for a week and come backl to a completed house. have someone there to make things are on the up and up.
Depends on how far nth you are, the wet is liable to come in early ,but we get a heap of rain in Nov.Get a roll of black plastic to cover the walls they are working on if it looks like rain. If your getting a builder to do the work make sure he covers up each night. I don't think you will have worry about potential problems.

I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?

Hi everyone, I'm one week late now with my period. ( Never been that late before ) My husband and I have been trying for less than a year now. I've taken 4 HPT's and they all came out negative.. Same test First Response. My breast feel tender and I feel bloated. My stomach looks like a poach, It's getting slightly bigger. I feel very warm, my tempearture is about 98 to 99 degrees every morning. I'm craving sweets more than usual. At times I feel nausea.Is there a posibility that I still might be pregnant . Or has anyone experienced these same symtoms with negative HPT's before. HELP!!!!

I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?performing art center


I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?theatre tickets opera theater

you have all the symptoms
are u taking any medicine cause it could be that
See your gyno and get a real test.

If your having trouble getting prenant, you may also have a condition that is difficult for store bought tests to verify.
Do you know when/if you ovulated? That would be the best way to know if it's actually too early to test or not.

You can call your dr. and go in for a blood test, which would be more accurate.
take a trip to your doctor to find out for sure
Definitely a possibility! You should get yourself checked out by a doctor. And if you are then CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Ask a doctor I would say. But, then again, I am just an 11 year old girl so...
you dont start show until a few months wait anther week for the test then go to the doctors.
The only real results come from the blood test from your OB/GYN. I had a similar situation and was pregnant. Good luck!
One week may not be pregnant enough for it to register on the tests. Wait two weeks and then retest. Or go see the Dr.

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?

My cycle is very regular, like clockwork. I was either due on the 10th or 12th, and it's now the 17th. I got all the PMS symptoms 1 1/2 wks. before I was due that I always get: crabby, sore boobs, emotional, craving junk foods, cramps in all the same places, tired, bloated, and I had some major hot flashes. Now the only symtoms I have is VERY sore and swollen boobs and some cramps and back pains like I'm gonna start any day now and my skin is breaking out. I don't feel irritable or emotional anymore and I'm not craving junk food and I'm not getting hot flashes. I don't feel sick or tired, either. Is it possible for your body to reset its cycle every now and then? If I am ever late super late like this, it's only like once a year. I have never used birth control, either. It's possible I was ovulating when I had sex last month, but like I said, home preg. test came out negative. I have a doc appt. next week, but I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this before.

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?oper

Been there, done that! I was three weeks late and a BLOOD test came up negative! My son is turning 7 on Saturday! It definitely sounds like symptoms of pregnancy. Try one of the dropper tests. They are more accurate than the pee on a stick ones. That is the only one that came up positive with my son (two days after the negative blood test).

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?hollywood theater opera theater

Did you have sex? You left that part out....take a test again in a few days.
have you tryed haveing a pregnancy blood test done? i hear there a lot better then home tests

and my doctor told me it was stress

maybe around this time of the year you get stressed out

and you stressing about it is only making it worse
Ok, nice storry, one week? get another pregnancy kit, then see your doctor
change in diet or stress can make you miss a period, but you can still get all the PMS symptoms - its happened to me before. Usually preg tests are pretty accurate these days but I reckon you should maybe wait a couple of days and take another one - make sure its done first thing in the morning (first pee). Good luck!!!
The body does funny things during times of stress, you could be late because of your stress/anticipation over getting pregnant. BUT - pregnancy tests these days are pretty darn accurate. I've taken some from the dollar store when I thought I was pregnant and it was right. If you know your body well enough, you will just know! Take another test in the next couple of days, shoot take a few to be for sure. If you are still late in the next week, go to the DR. Good luck %26amp; relax, it will happen when your body is ready!!!

Too late ???

hi, i am coming to be 18 in a few months. i want to become a pro heavyweight boxer and i believe that if i work really really hard everyday, i may be able to catch up, i know i am a little late. is it possible to pull that off with a lot of training. what do you need to be a good boxer? good atitude? stamina, speed? power? what else??? i am not hoping to be amateur, i wanna be world champ.

and another thing i want to do is become an actor, i wanna do both at the same time, cause you don't fight everyday, just once or twice a month.i know acting can be done any age, but not boxing. but if i go for heavyweight, i'll be a little fat, won't i? not ideal for movies is it?? any advice would be appreciated(pleae be nice).

i don't want to waste anymore time, i really need to start getting in these things. isn't that right, please reaply, bye

Too late ???theater

First things your homework regarding both of these fields.

Both boxing and acting require intense amounts of training and preparation - building stamina, speed, strength and skill for boxing, cultivating your acting skills (because not everybody is believable on-screen, you have to truly work at it to get good enough to be famous...remember that "She Bangs" guy from American Idol? SCARY!!!)

As both fields are labor-intensive, you'll find that picking one or the other to devote your initial undivided efforts to would be the better course of action - it's far better to give 100% to one area than to try and split your efforts and fail at both.

If you decide to take the boxing route, you'll need to find a reputable gym/training facility, seek out a trainer who is willing to work with you (remember: these guys are not doing this for charity's sake, you're going to PAY THEM to train you), and then you'll be spending countless hours working on your footwork, your hand speed and accuracy, your strength and stamina, and you'll do it all over again the next day.

Choosing acting is no easier, as you'll find that you'll need to enroll in a reputable acting course (because "natural talent" is such a rare commodity that it's virtually unheard of any more), find an acting coach, possibly a voice coach as well, and again: you'll be paying these people for their time and expertise. More of the countless hours will be spent first learning the craft and skills they're teaching you, then working to perfect these new abilities.

Either way you go, you're in for a long road of very, VERY hard work. Nothing worthwhile is easy, and these both will prove that to you, no matter which you choose.

Good luck to you, and I'm looking forward to being able to say, "...and I knew him when..."

Too late ???london theatre opera theater

you may fight only a few times a month but don't forget about all the praticing, weight lifting, working out your going to have to do. since your saying your starting late....means you'll have to work EXTRA hard to catch up, i would say pick one of the two and become AWESOMELY awesome at one of them. so yah, pick one and go find yourself a trainer one the one you pick and have fun with it!

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?

If I will be getting a refund, is it ok if I file late? Is there any penalties for filing late?

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?theatre

The IRS could add a penalty but they rarely do. To file for an extension complete IRS form 4868 and mail it before April 17th. That will give you six months to file. This link will take you that form.

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?opera music opera theater

If you are getting a refund, why would you file last?
don't file late. send in 4868 request for extension. this gets you till october 15 to get filing in
Damn! What a bunch of BAD info!

There are penalties for late filing and late payment of tax. The penalty is based upon how much tax is due. If no tax is due, there is NO penalty, at least at the Federal level.

States may be different. Some follow the Federal lead and don't charge for late filing but others DO assess a penalty for late filing even when a refund is due. OH is a good example. They assess an automatic $500 penalty for late filing even when a refund is due. If your refund isn't large enough to cover the penalty they'll send you a bill.
Well said, Bostonian!

Penalties for late filing are imposed only if you file after the due date and you owe.

If you're due a refund, you have up to 3yrs. from the date the return was due to collect.
If you are due a refund, there aren't any penalties, and there's nothing to charge interest on. But you have to file within three years of the original deadline for the return, or you'll lose your refund.
the 3 above me are correct. Technically you are breaking the law when you don't file on time and IRS COULD prosecute you criminally, but they will not cuz no jury would convict you for not filing on time when/if you have a refund due.
Yes, even if you are getting a refund you cannot file late without penalty. The govt charges interest for late filers. You can file for an extension but you would still be charged a penalty.

Sleeping late?

Does sleeping late cause pimples? or oily face, stress, getting nervous?, digging your nose?, and touching your face? Can anyone tell me what causes it? thanks!

Sleeping late?pacific theater

Sleeping late does NOT cause pimples.

Best thing to do is:

Keep your hands away from your face. If you have an itch or need to handle your nose, get into the habit of using a tissue or something. Your hands are loaded with germs and germs cause pimples.

Also. regularly clean your PHONE. You touch your phone with your hands and then put it to your face...called 'phone pimples'.

Good Luck

Sleeping late?phantom of the opera opera theater

I'm not sure but usually when I go to bed late and I wake up all face is bloated and my cheeks become wanes down eventually though
If you are sleeping late, you are probably not taking care of your bodies needs. Wash your face before you go to bed.
I doubt if sleeping late is a cause of pimples. The most common causes are heredity, hormones, and poor diet.

Too late to send my new 4 month old male kitten for his first shots? Will he hate me for neutering h

I'm adopting a 4 month old male kitten this week from a couple who is kind enough to give strays temporary shelter. There's not been any vet care yet. I heard I've to get FELV/FIV tests, rabbies shots, 3 rounds of vaccinations plus getting him neutered. Am I too late coz I hear shots should be done when he is a few weeks old. Will he hate me (new care-giver) for doing all these to him? I know he'll be hurting.

Too late to send my new 4 month old male kitten for his first shots? Will he hate me for neutering him?the grand theater

It is not too late to do the shots. Get them.

Your kitty will not even know what happened when he gets neutered. It is so quick for a male. He may act funny for a day or so, but he will go back to his regular self soon.

I am glad to hear you are such a responsible cat owner!

Too late to send my new 4 month old male kitten for his first shots? Will he hate me for neutering him?soap opera opera theater

the cat will forget all about it
No, it's not too late. Even if it were, better late than never. He'll love you for feeding and petting him. He won't blame you for the visits to the vet. Four months isn't even old for a kitten.
Its never too late! In fact kittens do not receive a rabies vaccine until they are 4 months! Check out this link, it gives you an explanation of the vaccines and when to get them. Because he has passed 13 weeks, he'll get an FVRCP vaccine and then a booster in 2-4 weeks, rather than the series of 3 shots. The same will go for the FELV vaccine, a vaccine and then a booster in 2-4 weeks, as long as the FELV/FIV test is negative.

If you plan to keep your kitty inside, which I hope you do, you may opt not to get the FELV, you can speak with your vet about this.

Have fun with your new little guy, good luck!

Oh, and kitty won't be upset with you, they don't even remember really. Just don't bother him too much when he first gets home from being neutered, as he'll be a little cranky.
i have been in the same situation but all he dose really need is to start of with his injections which he has 2 off 1 will be given first and then 2 weeks later youll go back for his 2nd and than that will be him fully covered and all youll have to then is go back once every few years to get boosters (the vets you register him with will send you a little post card to remind you of when he needs to go for them)

neutering him dose not really need to be done but is a good option if you have meny cats wondering around your back/front garden often as when the male cat sees this other cat from inside your house he will 'spray' at the window to try to get rid of the other cat.

no, he wont hate you for this cats are very forgiveing and he will be glad to get home when comeing back from the vets, he may scratch you when you give him some pain killing tablets which the vets may give you, if they dont, dont worry they hae peobly all ready dosed him right up with them.

hope this helps
no they forget in couple of hours,
To echo, it is a myth that their personality changes. Your cat won't be anything but annoyed at you for a little while.

How late can you check-in to Hotels?

Going to Las Vegas for The Phantom of the Opera and would like to stay the night before the show.. Would be driving up after evening classes that run till 10pm. and would be getting their at like 3 am. Would any hotels take me? or if I made reservations how late would they stand? (I'm in Phoenix so 5 hour car drive)

How late can you check-in to Hotels?chinese theater

Making a reservation will be a good idea.

If u call them and let then know in advance then u cal check in any time.

But it is okay to check in before next day morning.

How late can you check-in to Hotels?opera mini opera theater

the checking in is not a problem it's the checking out

you have to be out no later the 11am
Usually each hotel has their own check-in and check-out time. You have to call the hotel to see what their policies are. It also depends on room availability as to when you may check in.
Checking in by 2a.m. is usually the latest but definately make the reservation and tell them ahead of time that you may be late coming in and to hold the room. If you do not call and let them know that you'll be late then they can give the room to someone else!
I checked into Vegas once about 3 to 4 am and the only problem was I was told I needed to check out by the regular checkout time of 11am. Make sure you make a guaranteed reservation where they charge you even if you don't show up.
Every hotel has its own policies about checking in and out. Since you are looking at a hotel in Las Vegas - I would imagine you could check-in at any time of the night but you would need to verify with the hotel first. Almost every "bigger" hotel I have ever stayed at allow check-in during the evening or thru-out the night as long as the reservation was booked with a guaranteed credit card. In other words, if you give them a credit card to book the room, they will charge you for the room for that night regardless to whether or not you actually check-in or not. If you want to avoid the charges you must cancel your reservation, normally 24 hours before the day of check-in. This credit card number guarantees your room so you can normally check-in whenever.
You need to call the hotel directly

If you check into the hotel at 3am, you will need to check out by Noon

You can virtually check in at any time you wish, however you are going to be charged for a full night, even if you check in at 3am
That is normally not a problem. They are going to charge you the full night's price. If you are going to be that late, however, I would call the hotel the evening before and tell them you are going to be late. That way they don't end up giving your room away.

We actually had an unplanned situation where we ended up getting to our room at 5 a.m. We called the reservations at the hotel and they put a hold on the room. They actually thanked us for doing that.
Depends on the hotel. Some do not have attendants at the front desk after a certain hour - 8 or 10 pm or so. Call your hotel, explain the situation %26amp; make sure there will be someone on duty so you can get your key. Of course, they are going to want you to guarantee the room w/a credit card. Otherwise, if you don't show up, they could lose the rental on that room for that night.
Since you might get there around 3 or 4am, why don't you just skip that night and check in next afternoon or drive down to Vegas finish the show then stay for one night. May be is better that way. If you really had to check in after midnight, you must lets the reservation know and try to ask them for late check out. I always get an extra hour or two after normal check out time.

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?

Ok so I know being 2 days late in the grand scheme of things isn't really that big of a deal and I really haven't been stressing until now... I am now 2 days late and I keep feeling like I am going to be getting AF and my boobs are so painful and I have been feeling very nauseous...besides my boobs, I have not had really any symptoms prior to missing AF. I have taken tests 13DPO, 15DPO(day of missed period) and today (not with FMU) all negs....Can you please tell me your experience if you got a late +? Thanks in advance!

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?star theater

My cycle was two days late once it may be stress I say wait if AF doesn't come then test..***BABY DUST***mother of one maybe preggo with #2 waiting to test myself..

Please give your opinion...2 days late.?extension opera theater

The only thing I know to tell you is to go to your doctor. I had the same issues and thought I was prego and went to the doctor and I had PCOS(Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome).. it can mess up your horomones and make you feel like you are pregnant!

First Response is a good home test to take if you want to try again in a week if you decide to wait to go to the DR.
Okay, first... one late period doesn't mean all your periods will be late. If you're late one month, you should be on time (29 day cycles) the next month.

However... if you miscarried last month, it could take a minute for your body to re-adjust. I would give it more time. If your period doesn't start by this weekend, test again.

If the test is still negative and still no period, I would see a doctor. You may have a hormone issue going on.

Good luck.

Can my landlord MAKE me pay late fees within 5 days?

I got an email from my landlord demanding me to pay 3 months worth of late fees within 5 days. I told her I could pay her right away Friday morning, but she said that if I dont pay by THURSDAY, she is filing papers with the court Friday morning. She had never asked for late fees before Sunday.

She also wants me to pay her $365 for getting the basement drain augered out when it backed up and flooded the basement, because of tree roots in the pipeline, which have been there and had been serviced many times prior to our tenancy. I am not going to pay that so thats not a problem. She can take me to court for that, (and I will win!) but late fees????

Can my landlord MAKE me pay late fees within 5 days?opera songs

I've never heard of an eviction due to failure to pay a late fee within five days. Depending on your state's laws, she might be able terminate the rental rental agreement for failure to pay fees. However, a termination is not the same as an eviction.

Even if she were able file the eviction papers, you can still go to court to defend yourself and even pay the fines to stop the eviction.

Your landlord is crazy and/or trying to intimidate you. Check your state landlord-tenant laws for more information.

Can my landlord MAKE me pay late fees within 5 days?secure browser opera theater


state law controls. google will find it if you ask something like this: "texas law on tenancy and late fees" [omit quote marks]
Would these late fees actually add up to as much as she will need to pay to take you to court?? Maybe court is the "threat" and she has no intentions of going that far because she thinks she can intimidate you into paying. If you were late and she demanded late fees....that should have been done EACH month you were late...not for 3 months previous. If she didn't demand those late fees when they were due...I would think she had determined to let the late fees slide. If you really want to see how things turn out....go to court and let the judge decide.
There are several factors to take into consideration. Did she inform you with a letter/statement the past 3 months what you owed in late fees? Also, if you read your lease carefully you may see something in there that states when you pay rent every month it can be allocated towards any outstanding balances owed before being allocated towards rent. For example if your rent is $500 and you are late in October and your late fees are $50. When you pay your $500 rent in November, they can apply $50 towards the late fee and then $450 towards the rent...leaving the reaming balance owed technically rent and not late fees. Now they can evict you because you technically owe rent and not late fees. I hope this makes sense and I was not too confusing.

How late do schools hire for the next year?

My SO is getting very concerned that he doesn't have a position for next fall with a school. He just graduated. I think that there is still time. He is not so sure. Many of his classmates have positions waiting. So at what point is it too late to expect a job offer for a school district and time for him to look for something else to do for money this fall?

How late do schools hire for the next year?opera cd

There is still plenty of time. The basic hiring goes like this.

1. March-April- schools start offering contracts to current teachers. Some teachers are retiring, or have not been rehired.

2. April-May-Schools fill the positions of teachers they already knew were not going to return. The teachers they hire then submit letters of resignation to their current schools. (They probably signed contracts back in March as a backup plan in case they didn't get a new job).

3. May-July-Schools repeat the above process. New jobs open up, and then the teachers that get those positions resign, leaving a new vacancy.

Most of the shuffling around gets done by mid-July. Your son needs to keep checking on available positions for the next couple of months. If, by the end of July, he still does not have any job offers, he should think about trying to find another job for the fall. Substitute teaching in the schools where he would like to work is always a good plan. If they like him as a sub, he will already have his foot in the door when the next full-time teaching position opens up. Long-term subbing is usually best because schools see his ability to actually teach, instead of just baby-sitting for a day. Tell him to be flexible about the position he is willing to accept. He probably won't get his first choice the first year, but can work his way into it. If he is qualified to teach it, he should apply for it. (I am certified in math and science, but I like math a lot better. My first job, I had to be split-half math, half-science. That was the only way the district could afford to hire me, so I took it, and then the next year I was able to go to all math.)

Good luck to him in finding a job.

How late do schools hire for the next year?opera singer opera theater

I believe many positions are filled during the summer. You should also check around and find out which schools have teachers who will be out for just part of next school year, like for a maternity leave and see if he can fill that spot. It will often lead to a full time job.

Period late.?

I heard that your period can come late when you are going through a lot of stress. Like, I know I only started getting my period recently, so it will be all different dates. But it was always coming on around the 20th. And it's the 30th now. I've been feeling very frustrated and stressed recently, as my parents are about to tell his family about the man who molestered me and my friend as kids. And it's really hard, I've been having to talk about it again and relive everything. But I was wondering could that be the reason?

Period late.?chicago theater

Hi, there.

Wow - that's a very stressful situation, and it's entirely possible that it's affecting your menstrual cycle. Stress can definitely cause missed or irregular periods.

If you're sexually active and not using a form of birth control, there's also a chance that you could be pregnant. But, if you're not sexually active, or if you're preventing pregnancy, the chances are slim.

Here are some websites that you might be interested in, for information and resources on surviving sexual abuse, as well as information on women's health in general:

Stay strong!

4weeks late Friday & neg result! whats wrong? help!!?

my last period was dec 11. I will be 4 wks late this friday and i recently tested 6days ago and got a neg result. i'm not under any stress ,nor on a diet. i'm usually irreg ,but i usually feel pre-menstrual symptoms %26amp; the mont of jan i felt none! what do you think is wrong? is it possible to be prego if the urine test say neg? should i wait a little longer for the blood test ,or do you think going to the doc %26amp; getting a pap would clarify the situation?

4weeks late Friday %26amp; neg result! whats wrong? help!!?theater seating

Some people do have low hormone levels and test negative on the urine tests, so going to the doctor for a blood test might be a good idea. I also just read a new article on WebMD that says it's not uncommon for people to miss a period or two in a years time and experience double bleeding the following month. They have a whole article on period issues:

Hope that helps!

4weeks late Friday %26amp; neg result! whats wrong? help!!?lyric opera opera theater

Same thing as me... im 2wks late and have taken 4 tests all negative but im regular and i dont know why else id be late but ..... if your 4 wks it should be showing up on the tests so wait a couple days and test again.....then get a pap........ good luck to you hope you get what you want
Stress plays a big factor. If you're stressed out about work, family, relationship etc, you will miss. Try to relax and reduce your stress, and definitely call you dr. They can tell you for sure with a simple blood test.
You sound JUST like me! My LMP was Dec. 10, I skipped my period for four weeks (this was four weeks) and guess what kicked in. BLEH. I was hoping to be pregnant though...not sure if you're trying or not. I was told by a nurse practitioner friend of mine that IF I didn't get my period or a positive urine test this week, to make an appointment to have a blood test done. I would suggest the same to you. If you're still neg this Friday, make an appointment.

Good luck and best wishes!
i wasnt a regular person either. but i would still get a period every month. this summer it all of a sudden stopped. i too thought i was pregnant. 5 months past no period. so i went to the doctor in dec. and he prescribed me provera. i am still not having a period. and i will be taking provera again. were still not sure why i am not gettin periods. but i will be doing 3 months of provera and if my period doesnt come on its own after that we will be checking for more. possibly PCOS. which iam hoping not! im only 18 years old.
With my first baby I didn't show a postitive result until I was almost 6wks along. With my second I took several tests because I knew I was pregnant, again not until I was 5wks along and that was with a blood test as well. Good luck!

I have a HUGE punctuality problem- late everywhere, any advice on how to control this once & for

I am Greek so it is a cultural thing...20 min. late there is no big deal so I grew up with it. But now I am late to classes, have been repeatedly late to work...I don't give myself enough time to get ready and there's always that extra thing I need to do before getting out the door. If this continues it could lead to disastrous results- losing my job, getting into a severe car accident from speeding, etc. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thank you!

I have a HUGE punctuality problem- late everywhere, any advice on how to control this once %26amp; for all?theatre tickets

I believe that most behaviour is a result of the consequences which follow. So, I ask you this....what do you get out of being late? Already you have said that you then don't have to be kept waiting...What else? Could you enjoy (subconsciously) the adrenalin rush of leaving things till the last minute? Find out what the function is of your behaviour and then find other ways to fulfill the same function but without having to be late. Interesting isn't it?

I have a HUGE punctuality problem- late everywhere, any advice on how to control this once %26amp; for all?opera house opera theater

The simplest way is to set all your clocks and watches a half hour ahead of the actual time.You must do this to every single clock and other time keeping item you own or see and you body will adjust to the new time fairly quickly and then you will always be a half hour early.
Think about why being on time is important, and visualize yourself arriving at your destinations on time. Think about how relaxed you will feel, knowing you have made a good impression on peers and coworkers, and are well prepared for the event. You'll get hooked on the great feeling you get

Also, buy a planner and start taking it everywhere and try to use it regularly. Even if you don't write in it regularly, its presence will be a reminder of your commitment to being on time more often.

Good luck!
you should geta stopwatch and set it to 20 min. b4 you r supposed 2 leave, and leave should make a habit of being early
Ask a friend to set all your clocks and watch ahead a few minutes, but not tell you how much. All my clocks are fast.
wait for diylight savings time lol
thr suggestions on the link
sleep early at night

eat less in dinner

take water before u sleep
Umm to be point blank about this , you shouldnt blame your past on your present lateness, its a load of BS. First thing you need to do is admit that YOUR lazy when it comes to getting up. If you have a problem with hitting the snooze button thenyou should probably start to use that thing they call willpower and stop. lol.
I like to get ready the night before. Lay out clothes, towel, set the table for breakfast, if it's cereal, even get that out. Buy a coffee maker you can load and set to come on at a certain time in the am. I'm a tea drinker so my tea pot is set. Dog is fed, house is picked up, brief case is by the door so I don't have to load it in the am. All those things that keep slowing you down in the morning are already done. Besides the clock that wakes you, set another alarm for when you have to walk out the door. When it goes off you go out even if you are half dressed and have to finish in the car. It's all about organization and that is something you can learn. Good Luck and God Bless
Set you clock ahead 30 minutes. Then get your mind set that you will be late if you don't get there by the false time. You will be early every time.I used to be like you, so I did this. At first, I still had the mental note that my clocks were fast, so I would still piddle around, and once again be late. But when I finally tricked my mind into actually beleiving that this false time was the real time, it began to work. Also, like the previous person said, do as much of your morning routine as you can the night before. That way all you have to focus on is the basics of getting ready.My aunt lived in Greece for 4 years, and I know what you are talking about. People are so much more patient over there. It would drive her crazy because she said that she would have to wait FOREVER for her food at a fast food reastaurant, because people took their time. Me personally, I would love this. I think America is too rushed, which is probably the reason why there is so much stress over here, even in children. It is sad when we don't take the time to enjoy life like other countries do. But good luck!!!
I used to do the clock thing - I'd turn it 40 mins fast. But then I'd calculate in my head what time it actually was. However, I have heard this suggestion dozens of times, so maybe it does really work?

If you're used to being late, make yourself used to being on time. Oh, that seems kind of silly by itself, but I'll explain. Make a conscious effort to be on time, or even better be early. Think about it all the time until it's like second nature. If you can create enough anxiety about being late, you might get the right motivation to avoid it. I started setting my alarm two hours before I really needed to be awake. I might hit snooze for an hour, but I'd still be awake an hour before I needed to. And that works great if you have something you can do in the morning after you're ready to go (but doesn't have to be done so you're not late again).

I bet that seems odd - creating anxiety - but I wonder if it will work. I naturally felt lots of anxiety for the longest time about being late and my biggest feat was calming the anxiety while maintaining punctuality. I used my suggestions and they worked out for me. Hope you can find some use for them!
you could always set your clocks 20 minutes early and write everything down on your calander, if you have one. If you dont, get one. Do you have a phone? If so, you can program your schedule into it and that might help.
I can't believe some of the answers on here!

Ok, lets start with the suggestions:

A) Set all your clocks ahead, Have someone else do it and not tell you how far ahead...Blah, blah, blah...

In response: It doesn't help to set your clocks ahead if you KNOW they are, even subconsciously!

You aren't tricking yourself into believing they are ahead.

You are fooling yourself into believing that you think you've tricked yourself!

Case in point: Let's say you set the clocks ahead by 10 minutes, you wake up an hour and a half earlier for class and start getting ready. You look at the clock and you still have another 45 minutes before you need to be in class, you think, "Oh I have 45 minutes to get to class. Oh , no I have 55 minutes, that's right. the clocks are ahead. I have plenty of time to play my new game for a few before I have to go."

So you start to play your game and you are so enthralled you forget everyting else. You look up at the clock and suddenly it's 10 minutes before you need to be to class, but wait, no it's 20 minutes!

Oh, well, you STILL have plenty of time since you live on campus and it only takes you 7 minutes to walk to class.

So you think "Oh, well, I have 13 minutes of play time left!! Cool!"

So you keep playing. Again, you are so enthralled that you keep playing and lose track of time. Suddenly it dawns on you - "Oh, My God!" You look at the clock and not only is your 13 minutes gone, but also you just lost 20 minutes of class time, all because you KNEW the clocks were ahead!!

All I have to say is DUH!!! Wake up and smell the coffee you twit!

(Sorry, I've always been rather blunt, forgive me.)

Another case in point: I used to lose keys ALL the time. I'd leave house keys in the house, car keys in the ignition, leave them at the diner, the store, friends house, blah, blah, blah...

Finally after locking myself out for the millionth time, I got fed up!

I decided that I would make myself AWARE of the fact that I have a habit of forgetting keys and insteadof leaving them, I made sure that they were ALWAYS in my hands. Wanna know what happened?? Hmmmm.......???

I stopped forgetting them because I was so busy reminding myself of what a ditz I was for forgetting them.

I ALWAYS had my keys in my hand every where I went.

I kept them dangling and would play with them ( put the loop around my finger and swing them around and around and around, WHEEEE!) It worked like a charm.

That's my advice to you. Make yourself aware of the fact that you cannot remember to be on time for your own birthday and you will feel like such an idiot that you'll force yourself to be on time EVERY SINGLE TIME!!

Good Luck!!

set your clock 30 minutes ahead and use it as your real time
My Dad use to have the same problem. No matter what was happening, he was a hour late. One day we gave up and started telling him everything was an hour earlier. I think the message finally got through when he started showing up to things and no one was ever there . Sometimes the shoe needs to be put on the other foot .Do yourself a favor and start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier . Good luck .

My boyfriend is always late?

I live wit my boyfriend of 3 years and we have 7 month old son...and my 8 year old daughter, also lives with us...we live in rented house and he is always late paying the rent...which is cheap...700.00 a month on a 3 bedroom(yeah, the roof leaks in the garage but other than that, not bad for the price), he is late on all the bills...we got the water shut off today, my boyfriend called and we are getting it put back on sometime today but this is how it's driving me crazy!!!!! i am so frickin stressed. he is still married but seperated for 5 years from this woman in australia, he can not afford to get a divorce which pisses me off...he is driving around with a suspended leicense that they will not renew for a year as he is a habitual offender so if he gets stopped, he will most likely serve time. i take care of our son all day by myself(he is very demanding and he cant even do the bills right with all the work he does. does anyone else deal with something similiar??

My boyfriend is always late?hollywood theater

honey it sounds to me like you need to take his paychecks and pay bills yourself, just give him allowance if you have any left after bills. I deal with the same thing, my husband of 11 years has the same problem. He works hard and has pretty much always had a job, but when bills are due he just wont pay them. So now when he gets a check he brings straight to me and I pay what needs paying and give him allowance. So far so good!!!!!

As for him being married honey you knew that up front im assuming, so don't get mad at him for that. Help him to help you, it works both ways. If you love him you wont be talking to other men, but since you are then I would say you don't care as much for him as you should!

But there are 2 sides to every story!

My boyfriend is always late? opera theater

Tell him to sort himself up! Grow up and be a man!
okay, first of all... why are you even dealing with this crap? you don't deserve this... you need someone who is responsible... you need to kick his butt out.. or sit him down and tell him exactly how you feel.. there is no need of this at all.. you can support yourself.. and if not, there is plenty of help out there! good luck to you!
That's very good when you have kids......You should tell him get his crap together or get lost.....If he lets something else get shut off, you have to put your foot down for your children.
Sorry dear, but you're shacked up with a loser. Your first clue should have been the fact that he is still married but separated from some Aussie-chick. Why did you start living with him in the first place? Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life -- worrying every month if you're going to get evicted or have your water/electricity shut off? Even worse, why are you just sitting around waiting for the day when you get the call from him saying he got nailed by the cops for speeding and now he needs you to bail him out? Do yourself a favor and get out.
okay if you are talking to guys then you dont need to be with him. You should not fall back on another guy. Always fall back on family. paying bills late is not that big of deal as long as it does not get shut off. But when it comes to that yuou need to dump him. Got to you parents take your kids and get a job ans start making a better life for them. If he doesn't want to get a divorce then he is not into you he is into the sex. He needs to be dumped. That is no life for kids to see and you as a mother should protect htem from growing up in that kind of enviroment and you should want to protect them from this. Quit thinking about you and other guys cause that is not going to help think about you kids put them first. Quit worring about who you can fall back on , get a job take care of yourself there are things and places to help with daycare. Sorry to be so blunt
So.... start paying the bills yourself... %26lt;--check that out about abroad divorces...
He's got A LOT of growing up to do. He needs to grow up and be responsible. If you truly love him, be open with him about your feelings and give him a chance to straighten up his life. But you also don't want to wait around, for someone who will never change... A year tops and that's it! If he doesn't make a change, I'd leave him... Life is too short to devote your life to someone who makes your life miserable.
he might just be a late person or he doesn't have money, but tell him that as a man, boyfriend, he MUST be responsible. good luck
I don't know whatz up with your man, but to seea man with responsibility to act like that, its not good at all. I think that you have to get up and get a job, put the kids in day care and try to do whatever it takes to provide for them and you, your man is a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. What if he gets into trouble with the law and have to serve time, then you'll be in a lot more then late bills. Create a back up plan, and that back up plan is you. Do it for the kids and you.
Darlin' the reason you only have a boyfriend and he's always late is he's a loser. Look at his track record. He has a wife (maybe he does -mqaybe he doesn't) in Australia. He thinks the rules don't apply to him. And you have his son with no concept of commitment from him.

He's got the milk and he didn't have to pay for the cow. What do you expect? This guy sounds a lot like my daughter's ex husband. He did a lot of the same things AND tried to get in the pants of anyone who didn't have testacles.
ask him to let you start paying the bills. i stay home and can handle the checkbook to make sure things get paid.
A good back up plan might be finding a job and not falling back on another man or your family for support!
Get a job, get a new place to live %26amp; dump the married loser. It's really simple actually.

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?

last month, my husbond %26amp; i started trying for our secound child. my cycle is predictable. i'm always on time or early, never late. i set up an ovulation calender to see about when i'd be ovulating. we had sex a couple times a day for 5 or 6 days. for the past week or so i've been a lot more tired than normal, having cravings(nothing crazy), been more hungry %26amp; a little crampy. sometimes worse than others. usually i start getting cramps, it gets really bad %26amp; then i get my period. well, i once in a while will feel a little crampy but it goes away. i'm 2 days late today %26amp; took a first response test but it was negative. is it still possible that i'm pregnant? when should i test again %26amp; know that it's an accurate result? thanks to anyone that can help!! ~ashley

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?

Your symptoms sound good. First response is a crappy test though, they don't seem to be as sensitive as they once were. I had good results with this pg with clear blue easy. Equate is supposed to be awesome as well. Hope you get a bfp soon:)

I'm 2 days late w/ signs of being preg. neg test?opera mobile opera theater

Hi...I don't have an answer for you as I am in the same boat. I should have started my period a couple of days ago and so far nothing. My last period was 12/24 and we had sex on the 4th and 13th and several times this past week. My husband is gone a lot so I didn't think there was a chance of my being pregnant...especially after 4 hpt that were all neg. How long do you have to wait to see a positive? I took one early this morning and it was neg too. This is getting old!!! :)
had all the same symtoms and i am now 7wks. although i didnt show up on any test blood or urine until i missed 2 periods. good luck
As to if you are pregnant or not I can not answer that. I used first response when I was pregnant and it detected the HCG hormone 2 days before my missed period, however the level of HCG in your system depends on when you ovulated and when implantation occurred, so I would suggest that if you don't start your period a week after its due to test again and see what it say and if its negative then more en-likely your not pregnant. Stress can cause a delay in your period and so can the desire to be pregnant.
repeat the test after 1 week to be sure
It's possible that you are still pregnant,because my sister's friend was 5 days late when she was pregnant,but then she gaved birth and everything came out good,her baby was healthy also.But if i were you,i would try and check other doctors that might know more.
Yes it is possible to still be pregnant even though the pregnancy test came out negative. It's happened to me.

If you really want to know.... go to your GYN and have them take a blood test. It could give you a more accurate result.

You do sound like you have pregnancy symptoms though. Hopefully you are pregnant.

Good Luck to you and your husband sweetie.....
my girl had just been two weeks late and was going threw the same things as you and than this morning all of a sudden couldnt sleep and started bleeding not trying to give your hopes up but the test said negitive and it was right

Pregnancy signs, 2 week late period & negative blood test???

It has been 6 weeks since my last period. I am now 2 weeks late. On the day my period was due I took a home pregnancy test and that came back negative. I have been feeling nauseas, and getting heaps of headaches. When I did a second home test it still came back negative... I had no period and no positive test so decided to go see the doc. So yesterday I went and he did a urine test and it came back very very faint positive so he sent me for a blood test. Blood test came back negative I was very disappointed as my husband and I have been trying for 3 months. However the doc did say that I still might be pregnant as it may have happened in the past 2 weeks which is too early to detect 鈥?he has asked me to go back in 2 weeks if my period STILL hasn鈥檛 started and if symptoms increase. As of last night there has been light pink blood when I wipe myself after urinating 鈥?is this spotting?

Has anyway had this happen to them?

My period has never been late before i want to be pregnant!

Pregnancy signs, 2 week late period %26amp; negative blood test???opera music

It could be implantation bleeding if you are only spotting. I had it with both of my pregnancies and it happened around when my period was supposed to start. You may have ovulated later than you think as well and so your hormone levels my not be very high. Not sure about the neg. blood test though. Don't worry! It will happen. 3 months seems like forever when you are trying, but it is really not that long. Keep your head up and good luck!

Pregnancy signs, 2 week late period %26amp; negative blood test???opera sheet music opera theater

Take another test!

You may even need to take another blood test at the Dr. office.

Some women have very low pregnancy hormone, especially early on. Pink trace could be implantation bleeding (which means your hormones are going to start going up, and will show on a pregnancy test) or else you are starting your period. You will know by whether the bleeding gets heavier, or if it disappears.

Either take another test, or wait and you will know for sure in 8 months!

I hope you get your heart's desire. Good luck.
It can take 4-6 weeks post conception to have enough hormones to have a positive urine test, blood can be up to 3 weeks.
I have heard of this happening when the hormone levels are not high enough. The spotting sounds like either a miscarriage which would go along with the blood test being negative, or you are starting your period. I hope it's neither and you are pregnant and everything is ok but I just wanted to warn you so you can go to the hospital if you need to.
go to the doctor or to

Why is my period late?

According to a period calculator, I was supposed to get my period on tuesday, and its now saturday and it hasn't come yet. The last time I had sex was about 4 1/2 months ago, and I've been having regular periods since then, no weight gain, no morning sickness, sore breasts, no pregnancy symptoms, and I've taken a couple pregnancy tests that all came back negative. So I'm sure I'm not pregnant, but why is my period late? I've had a sinus infection for the past week and a half, and I've just now getting over it, so could that be the reason why my period is delayed? Or is it stress? Work is not really stressing me out but this whole late period thing is. I keep on getting mini cramps like usual before i get my period, but after those, nothing happens. Have any idea whats going on here? Any help would be appreciated, thanks...

Why is my period late?soap opera

Calculators aren't accurate.

Your body is not a Swiss watch, and it does what it does when it's good and ready. You're not yet.

Why is my period late?city opera opera theater

why is your period late? maybe it forgot to set the alarm clock.
You could either be pregnant (take the test to find out!)

OR you could be under a lot of stress.

or you could be worrying about it too much! (don't think about it and it should come!)

OR You are changing your dates to when your getting it (like mine changed from the beginning to the end of the month like in a flash!

hope I helped ..

ps.. if it's really bothering you, you could talk to a physician!

This can be due to a lot of things like stress, change in diet, change in exercise routine.

Also, the days can vary, it won't always be exactly the same number days apart.
I t happens from time to time ...calm down! I think your just jittery haven't had sex in 4.5 MONTHS!
coz you pregnant !!
You've had regular periods since you had sex so you aren't pregnant. I have a regular 28 day cycle and occasionally I'm late. Once my period was 3 weeks late - I was petrified! Sometimes this happens - don't worry - it will come. The infection you've had has probably had alot to do with it.
It might be a good idea to go to the doctors and they will be able to tell you wots up one way or another and this will put your mind at rest.
Your body is not a clock - very few periods come at exactly the same time every month. Your period could be late for any number of reasons - the fact that you had a sinus infection can definitely be one of them, and stress is a large possibility as well. Also, a period which is late by less than a week is not really considered "late."

Don't worry about this at all - I was once two weeks late because I caught the flu at the time I was supposed to get it. Relax, OK? ;-)

HELP!..pregnant.??negative test,late period!!scared!!?

Hi, im 18...i used to have my period very normally and for some reasons, as i grow up i ened up irregular periods, they are always late by like few days or sometimes they might be more than 7days...but sometimes they are right on time. I never get to keep track of them because i don't know when they will come exactly. Always different.

last month, i had my period on the 2nd(for 7days)and then after that i had around 2-3 times of protective sex and like oral sex as well...and normally i should have my period on the 2nd of this month, right? But, it has been a week already and i still havent get my period???

Ive done a test on the 7th and it was negative? Did i test it too early or too late? should i test it again?

a few days ago, i feel the cramp and i thought i was going to have my period but then it was not and yesterday and today i keep on going to the bathroom with constant cramps (but not as painful as when im getting my period).It just feels like it is going to explore and you can also say it feels like when you really need to go pee but you have to wait in the line for 10mins....

Sometimes, i also feels like something is coming out of my virgina and once again, i thought it was blood but then it was like something white liquids.

Do you think it was because i dont have enough sleeps, or loss of blood,(it feels like want to come but just don't have enough blood for me to have my period? )

What is wrong with me? Am i pregnant?

i need some help...please, im so scare and worry right now.

HELP!..pregnant.??negative test,late period!!scared!!?opera mini

Home tests are very accurate (around 97%) when used correctly. Some kits come with two tests because mistakes do happen.

If you take a test too early, you may get a false negative (when the test says you are not pregnant but you are). Your body needs time for the hormone to rise to a high enough level to be detected in a test. If the test comes back negative but you still think you could be pregnant, wait a few days and try again.

Most doctors recommend that you wait until the first day of your missed period before taking a home pregnancy test. A missed period is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is usually around two weeks after conception. However, some tests are more sensitive (and more expensive) than others and can be taken earlier. Concentrations of hCG are reported in milliInternational Units (mIU) or amounts equal to 1/1000th of an IU per milliliter. A pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20 IU/L is more sensitive than one with 50 IU/L.

A blood test administered by your doctor is more sensitive than the early home tests and can be taken between seven and twelve days after you conceive. ( It is possible that these tests can be done too early and show a false negative result.) If you receive a negative result and still do not start your period, another test should be done.

For more information visit my free website

HELP!..pregnant.??negative test,late period!!scared!!?passions soap opera opera theater

I don't think you are pregnant, but i would see your doctor just to make sure and to check that you don't have an std or something else.
Doubtful that you are pregnant. But I think maybe you should go get tested for STDs just to see if that answers any of your symptomatic questions.
you just have to much sex.. that's why..
Your not Pregnanit if the test (99.9% Accurate) was negative.

Stop worrying as you are going to become very stressed and make yourself ill.
If you are not pregnant and not sick, then you don't have to panic. See your doc, he's the person who could answer all the questions in your head.
Quit gettin jiggy w/it and ull have ur period again.

You have blood coming out your virginia? what?
i dont think you are pregnant. maybe stress cause this delay. relax and wait for your next period.
i dont think its pregnancy see a doc and he will ask for a blood test it could be hormonal
More than likely, your period is late because you are worried about pregnancy.

Relax. You had protected sex. It's very unlikely you could be pregnant. Oral sex can never result in pregnancy. Irregular periods make it even more difficult to achieve pregnancy, since it's hard to predict when ovulation will occur.

If your period does not come within the next week then you need to go to the doctor. it sounds to me like it is going to start in a few days, though. Your periods could still be irregular. Periods can take a long time to regulate....sometimes a woman will not get regular periods until she's in her mid-20s.

I would double check with your doctor about your periods becoming irregular, just to make sure you do not have any health issues. Your health is too important and you don't need to take any chances. Good luck.
Home tests are incredibly accurate, so you are quite likely not pregnant. But you could try another one just to be sure.

The other thing is that most women's periods aren't 100% regular, a few days isn't all that many to be late, there is still time. But if you still haven't got it in a few days maybe you should take a trip to the doctor. But don't get worried just yet.

Good luck! xx
Pretty unlikely that you are pregnant if you used contraceptives, but it's best to check with a doctor. You say that they are irregular, but it's best to get it checked out!

Women can miss their periods for many reasons i.e. Stress, Illness, Change in schedules (shifting from day to night shift, puts body out of sync), Change in medication, Rapidly gaining weight or quickly losing weight.
Doesn't sound like you're pregnant but it definitely sounds serious. Go to the dr.

Would you call in to work late or miss your sons first music program at school....?

I've been at my new job for a little over 3 months (almost 4?) %26amp; have called in sick twice. Anyway, he has his first music program called "Getting Down With Mamma Goose" next Friday %26amp; I mentioned it to one of the girls on break about 2 weeks ago that I might come into work late that day. She said she has already scheduled her vacation for that time %26amp; that another girl has asked for that Friday off already. I would have asked for time off sooner, but the school just sent home the newsletter about the musical about 2 weeks ago. I only work about 5 hours that day %26amp; would have to be 2 hours late. What would you do? Miss the program or go in late?

Would you call in to work late or miss your sons first music program at school....?extension

U last statement says it all.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... sorry..

but so true...

just the same.. put in this situation.... ????

I would ....and this is tuff to ans.. what time is the program?

go to program..

as soon as his part is over......leave.. ....... hurry to my(ur) job.. and tell them..

Ur sorry.. but something came up. like family?( if u didn't tell the girls at work....) but leave it at that.. don't lie..just don't say.. tell them it was personal..

and tell them u will stay late if necessary.. or come in on the w'end.. that is was important to u..

call the night before ( leave word on supervisor phone at work) and let them no u will be late .. but U will be there... and don't back down.. jobs can make u feel guilty..

This is important to Ur son as well...

I no u need the job.. but this is a one time thing.. and u only see him grow up once. and U can't go back..

but can look for another job..

good luck..

Would you call in to work late or miss your sons first music program at school....?movie theater opera theater

call in to work
I've been in similar situations! I think if it were his graduation or something I would blow off work, but not for a music program. It's too important for you to not be 'that person'....the one who calls in too much, especially since you're still new. Gotta have that job to support that kiddo!
works out...........definitely, as long as it comes to my kid!!!
I would not go in late...If you have taken two sick days already it might not be a good idea. Why not ask your supervisor if you can come in late and make up the time...perhaps work late that day..or make it up a different day.
1. his first music program will never come again - there will be other days to work

2. can you lose your job if you go in late? can you somehow someway get someone to cover for you? can you work later that day?
I would go in late, blame it on car trouble. You wouldn't be missing anything at work, but his first performance. Ehh, screw work.
Call in work late for sure
This would be more cut and dry if you hadn't mentioned this to your co-workers. If you think they won't say something to your boss, I'd call in. You could try and find someone to work the three hours for you or come in for the time of the program.
Go in late. My parents never came to my school performances, and it made me feel like they didn't care enough to want to come. Which, in most cases, it was just because they didn't want to. So go to the music program.
In that specific situation: I would have a friend go to the program and record it. You don't want to be 'that girl' at work....the one who put everyone in a hard spot. You could always mention it and see how the boss feels about you coming in late if you must, but be prepared to forgo the show and come into work.
call into work late. maybe see if you could make up the hours during the following week
You can always have another kid, but jobs are increasingly more difficult to come by these days. You better protect that job. Besides, if you make enough money at the job then you can afford a counselor to deal with the kid's abandonment issues later.
honestly? i'd talk to your boss about it now, offer to stay late the day before and on the day of, if you can. calling in late that morning would only make them more angry with you. if you miss it, i can tell you from experience YOU WILL REGRET IT! I hate that schools do this, they just assume that parents can just take off work to come, which is really unfair, it should be in the evening!

i've learned that my kids come first, before anything else, no matter what. if this were his second show, or tenth for that matter, i'd say go to work, but not the first one
I would normally, but if they arealy know you need that time off they will know you are not really sick, so I wouldent risk it - you are still new.... Wont they be doing the play again later?
Go to work..He won't even remember it in a few years. My son doesn't remember much at all about those years. Just make sure he knows you WANT to go and that you'd rather be with him and how it will hurt YOU to miss it. Unless he's a brat..he'll understand. If he doesn't ..let him miss a meal and see how it would feel if you didn't have a job and he had to miss a lot of meals. Like someone said..if it was his graduation..that would be different. Ask his teacher to try to let you know ahead of time next time so you can schedule time off.
Call in to work in advance, go to the musical. Your son is important.
I know it's a tough situation to be in. Yes, the job is important, but you've already got a rocky start if you've been late %26amp; they are probably a little PO'd so consider that. BUT...

There are only so many "Firsts" for a parent and let's face it, your child is the most important job you will ever have on Earth.

Some good suggestions here, especially the one to let a friend tape it for you %26amp; they would be a support system so your child knows someone is rooting for him.

Personally I would blow off the job, there's always another one. Or try to take a "sick day" or "personal day" if they will let you. Otherwise, do what your heart tells you %26amp; let the chips fall where they may. Best of Luck to you dear.
you can miss it and just ***** the whole time you're at work to let some steam out. Have someone videotape it for you or at least take pictures.

I missed my youngests christmas program , we got there right when they were walking off stage. He passed right by us on the way out of the gym, so he thought we were there.

no biggie.
I would move heaven and earth to be there, but as we all know sometimes these things don't work that way. If you just cannot make it to his program then is it possible to get a friend or another mother you know to video tape it so you can watch it later with him. Good luck what ever happens. :)

Kym .

Why would I be late for my period?

Okay, I know I'm not pregnant. So that is totally out of the subject unless you can get pregnant from giving your boyfriend head. But I know you can't.

I'm usually on time. I've been late maybe 3 times. But usually I'm a couple days early. I'm now a week late. I got the signs of getting my period. My back always hurts when it gets close to my period. Well it hurt for a few days, but nothing happened. And now the back pain will happen one day and be gone for a few and be back.

I am stressed out. But I've been stressed out the past 8 months and I've still gotten my regular periods. I just took on a second job yesterday. But that shouldn't of made a difference, since I just started it yesterday. But my other job ALWAYS stresses me out because I'm a supervisor and none of my night shift wants to work. But like I said, I've been stressed out for the past 8 months. My mom passed away, I moved out on my own, I have money problems. But I still got them.

What could be wrong? I'm 19.

Why would I be late for my period?secure browser

Too much stress (which you obiously have) can delay your period, even make it stop all together. If it continues for any more than 2-3 months i would go see a doctor just to make sure everything is alright.

Just try to find a way to manage your stress because too much stress can cause another thing: Crohn's Disease, it is an intestenal disease that my mom suffers from, and it is uncureable. I am very sorry about your mom, i hope i helped a little bit.

Why would I be late for my period?home theater opera theater

Have some healthy food. At this age late periods are common. They will stabilize when you advance in age. Irregular food habits, strain and improper sleep habits delays the periods. Nothing to worry. But you should be careful with your boy friend, if you have( do not think otherwise)
its too much stress. it's happened to me. my boyfriend of 3years broke up with me and my period was a week late. the best thing to do is to physically get active because it gives you natural endorphin's and makes you a happier person. get out alot so you can have fresh air.

the only other thing that i can think of is if you have an eating disorder of any kind. my friend would miss her periods because she had no body fat. she didn't have her period for like 3 years! we found out later she had an eating disorder (which i could visually see) and told her she needed professional help. they told us she didn't have her period because she had no body fat.

hope that helps
You have way too much stress in your life and you need to deal with it soon. You mentioned having lost 75 pounds in 5 months, that alone could be the reason for your periods stopping. You need to find some outside help in the form of a clinic that bases their services on your income. Call your local health department and start your search for help there.
Chill. I am freaking out about my period as well and I've had unprotected sex last month. I don't have a dad and live w/ my step bro who treats me like $hit ....there are other people in ur shoes out there. Love

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stre

Im only a few days late on my period, im having breast tenderness, fatigue, food cravings, and mood swings, does this mean that i am pregnant, or that my period is just late, or it might not come because of the stress, i sometimes feel those syptoms before i get my period, but im not getting cramps like i usually do,, please help !! thaannkkss

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stressed?opera singer

there is nothing anyone can tell you on here. those symptoms could be pms related or pregnacny related. it is time to test! good luck!

Im a couple days late on my pd,im showing some signs of early pregnancy, am i pregnant, or just stressed?amc theater opera theater

The only thing you can do is take a home pregnancy test.
u just need to calm down and go buy a pregnancy test and finally get the answer!!! that way u could start planning on the new born or just making planof your life with out one, eather way u must get a pregnancy test!! good luck!!! :) u hav sex?
wow! i've been there sweetie, i was like 2 weeks late but it turned out i was too stressed out and that affects your period a lot. but you need to use protection so you won't be worrying about this every month! just in case tho you should definately take a pregnacy test! remember condoms are your best friends! :)
you need to take a test its the only way you can find out for sure
sometimes you can't trust symptoms, I also have those symptoms a few days before my period, but most of the times I am not preggers anyway. I suggest wait for another week and test if period does not show up. Do you have regular PD? like every 28 days? all the time? If yes.... go do a pg test after a week. Good luck
you could just be stressed... the only way you can know for sure is to take a pregnancy test

Don't say it's too late?

It doesn't take much to learn

when the bridges that you burn

Leave you stranded feeling alone

It doesn't take much to cry

when you're living in a lie

And deceiving that someone who cares

If I could turn back the time

I would put you first in my life

And I would risk it all for you

to prove my love is true

I'll build a wall around my heart

that would only break a part for you

Can change the way I feel

so tell me what's the deal

Don't say

Don't say it's too late

And now

The hills are getting hard to climb

I'm runnin' out of time

My decisions are pending on you

And I will accept the blame

for burnin' out the flame

Hoping the story will twist once again

If I could turn back the time

I would put you first in my life

And I would risk it all for you

to prove my love is true

I'll build a wall around my heart

that would only break a part for you

Can change the way I feel

so tell me what's the deal

Don't say

Don't say it's too late

Now I'm

Layin' it all on the line

For you

And I would risk it all for you

to prove my love is true

I'll build a wall around my heart

that would only break a part for you

Can change the way I feel

so tell me what's the deal

Don't say

Don't say it's too late

Don't say it's too late?met opera

Don't say it's too late?movie theatre opera theater

You know, for blogs try livejournal, open diary or myspace....
its too late.
How about, you have run out of time.
so, whats the question?
This is a nice poem.
nice poem

VERY late period!!!?

i started my periods when i was 13 and i just turned 15 a few days ago. my periods used to be once a month but for the past year or so they only come every 2 months or 2 1/2 months. my last period was about late october. im a virgin. please help me!! is there any thing i can do or eat that will regulate my periods. plus, i suffered from anorexia but now im kinda getting better. i dont think that is the problem though because thats very recent stuff and i had problems with my periods way before the weight problems. please help me!!!

will this mean that ill be infertile when im older??

VERY late period!!!?lyric opera

at your age this is normal. You will not be infertile when your older. even though you don't bleed you can still drop an egg. My friend would have a period 2X a year and she got pregnant and had a beautiful little girl. If its really bothering you go to your dr.

VERY late period!!!?imax theater opera theater

Yea it normaly takes like 2 or 3 years for most people to get their period once a month. it is normal. there is nothing you can take except birthcontrol fromt he doctor. don't worry about it especially if you are a virgin. and enjoy not having to get your period every
Your body is supposed to be regulating your hormones, this is how you were designed. Sometimes it takes a while and the pill is used to force periods to be regular, as well as protect from pregnancy. Even though you may not need this yet. It's still bc. Please don't throw tons of hormones as what you've got to work with already. I鈥檝e seen all kinds of nasty side effects, from small nuisances, to women whose entire life is messed up forever like loosing their uterus. The pill can be very dangerous. I get suicidal on it. When I was choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I came up with was the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't end up with these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your natural cycle. It's like a female condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put a little spermicide on the rim, which seals it and kills any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill, on the pregnancy part, perhaps better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you鈥檙e not gonna have sex everyday. You just have to remember it when you鈥檙e going to have sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn鈥檛 work at all. If periods are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It was my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.


physicians assistant

Missed period! 25 days late!! and negative pregnancy test!?

Im 22 years old,me and my husband are trying for a baby.

I have a very regular cycle of 31 days.Im never late. This month has been really strange i was meant to come on my period 25 days ago! ive taken many pregnancy test and they have all come back negative.ive seen the doctors a few days ago, hes just advised to wait a few more weeks and take another test! im just very curious.. can it take this long to detect a pregnancy?has anyone experienced this before? there hasnt been any change to my diet. I havnt been at all stressed.. ive been getting egg white discharge for the 25 feels as if im going to come on any minute but when i go to check my period hasnt arrived. ive regulary get myself checked out (smear test)everythings ok..any experiences? please reply..(blood test takes ages at my doctors u.k,can take weeks!)sorry for the long message!

Missed period! 25 days late!! and negative pregnancy test!?tickets

Wow... I'd say one test neg... possible it was wrong.... "many" i don't know. Its a pretty black or white test. Honestly, I think your Dr's advise was pretty silly. I'm wondering if you could have an etopic pregnancy, and also wondering why the Dr. didn't think of this also!

Missed period! 25 days late!! and negative pregnancy test!?ballet opera theater

hello i take part in a pregnency forum online and i have learnt many many things.........just today a lady told the rest of us there she had been testing with hpt's and they all came up negitive ...she then went and had a blood test and shes 12 weeks pregnent! and is still getting negitive hpt' is very posiable you are pregnent. dont rule it out cause you get neg tests should find someway of getting a blood test done ...good luck
It is normal for it to take that long. Generally, you are fertile 7-10 after you begin your period. Ideally, you have intercourse, and within another week or so the fertilized egg makes it to the uterus. Then it takes about another week for the body to begin producing detectable amounts of HcG, the pregnancy hormone.

And we all put out different amounts. Many women are clueless they are pregnant till month two. Personally I was about 9 weeks. Even after the early tests I didn't know.
ok, this may seem crazy, but i had similar problems last year, and i thought it was a tumor, find out it was a baby, that i didn't know i was carrying for 5months, and every test i took came out negative, and i had a cycle every month, no joke.... so i say yes it can take this long if there is a hormonial embalance(a.k.a stress of any kind), and it will throw your drive off, so take a blood test, and in the mean time, and between time you need to prepare yourself to be a mommy, and if i'm wrong i'm sorry but, the doc's advise is right but, if it doesn't show up in 2 days from 2day, go to the nearest free clinic and get a blood test, so you can get the results that day... hurry and get that blood work, so you can ease your mind, and don't end up like myself.... 5months later the doctor tells you it's a baby... the answer they gave me @ first was i was pre-menopause, i'm in my EARLY 30's..........hope i helped
go to your doc!!
Maybe you need to find another doctor...blood tests should not take weeks to come back and by this point of a pregnancy, there would some sign on a vaginal ultrasound.

Second opinion time!!!!

I'm 5 days late on my period and i have tested 3 times since first day missed why are they show

my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant and we started when i was most firtile.. to me i felt it right away... but im still confused i still think im only mental too.. im 5 days late on my period and ive tested 3 times and all came out negitive... i have been feeling very sick since about a week after we tryed.. and then my mood swings... im scared of myself... and i started crying non stop last night feeling ugly and stupid for some reason.. ive been getting light white discharge but no period... my breast are usually sore before my period and my boobs havent hurt at all... im extreamly confused and i was wondering could something be wrong or and im the 1 percent out of the 99 percent accurate?

I'm 5 days late on my period and i have tested 3 times since first day missed why are they showing negitive ?comedy club

my first 4 tests were negative. my husband started making fun of me for still believing i was pregnant. sometimes you know more than a stupid test. DO NOT get down on yourself. wether you are pregnant or not what's happening to your body right now is not your everyday usual. every doctor will tell you to

"act" like you are pregnant (no alcohol etcetera). wait a week before testing again, and try not to drive yourself too crazy. ask your husband for support, your friends and family... don't do this all by yourself. good luck

I'm 5 days late on my period and i have tested 3 times since first day missed why are they showing negitive ?sheet music opera theater

That can happen I once skipped a whole month I didi not get my period the doctor told me it was normal or maybe you have to do a test again
a friend of mine had the same thing happen...she took 4 or 5 tests and all came out negative, but it turned out that she was pregnant. sometimes you need a blood test to detect it early on. i would try going to the dr. and requesting one. good luck...hope you are :)
Have you been testing with first morning's urine? Be sure to get a sensitive test, such as First Response and test w/fmu so that it's more concentrated. Good luck!
It might be too early for the pregnancy hormones to be showing up in your urine just yet...go talk to your doctor within the next week, maybe a blood test ( and a little less compulsive testing and stress...) will help.

Good luck huney, children are a real blessing from God, I'm sure he will Bless you and your husband in His good time :)
There can be a few reasons for this! One is that you are stressed out over "trying" to concieve and this can be affecting any normalcy, second when I was trying to concieve I was 8+ days late on my period and when I tested it came up negative, so I blew it off when my period did start, however the following month I never got a period and it ended up being that I was prego.....

not every woman is the same and just because you have been testing since the first day of your missed period, doesnt mean that it still just isnt to early to detect the hormone, mind you that when I took a test I was at a local clinic and there urinary test missed mine! Give it time...stop stressing and try testing again in 5-10 days.
maybe you are just stressed. this happen to me back in march i was 2 1/2 wks late
Are you testing first thing in the morning? That's when the hormone levels are at their highest.

Failing that you should see a doctor.

Good luck, I hope everything works out for you soon.

My wife came home late again from work and she smelled like a cheap bar. Her clothes seemed wrinkled

She told me she was at work and that she needed to get some sleep right away. She also said that she might be late agian tomorrow. What should I do. I think she is getting other penis.

My wife came home late again from work and she smelled like a cheap bar. Her clothes seemed wrinkled too. ???concerts

well, Jack, maybe she hasn't been seeing enough of YOURS, if your screen name gives any indication of how you spend your free time. Try giving Rosie a rest and see if you aren't more interested in giving your wife the attention she desperately needs.

My wife came home late again from work and she smelled like a cheap bar. Her clothes seemed wrinkled too. ???headache opera theater

Maybe she has a drinking problem
She is out cheating.
She probably is getting another penis!

You should probably follow her and see where she goes after work.
you need to talk to your wife about this.
oh hell i didn't know your wife was the chick i was banging. i am so sorry that i have been knocking the bottom out of it without you knowing. she said that you knew all about it
ya think?
I think so too
Tell her that you want to hang out with her and that you know she is going to the bar. You aren't dumb.....see how fast she gets home tomorrow right after work....
Sounds suspicious. Ask her directly what's going on after work and why she isn't home.
she is cheating
Cut off your penis and put it in her purse, like Van Goeh did.
.......along with booze. Leave her alone.....its over, pal.
idk....uh if ur a redneck..the try the jerry springer show
ummmm.... I think you know what that means.... confront her, be honest, it is the only way. Go with your gut!
oh ya dude she's getting it from someone not you.Did she shower as soon as she got home?If so you better start keeping a eye on her.
Follow her from work. str8 stalk her azz and find the truth. Or if you cant beat'em join'em. Find you some side puss and you will feel better
tomorrow,just phone at her work at the time she said she'll be there. If the phone rings but she doesn't answer then you'll know what to think about her
Sorry to tell you this, but she is definitely cheating. You need to confront her ASAP. If she denies it, then follow her after work. If you have kids, get a sitter so you can do this. Or, hire a friend or someone you really trust to follow her and get pictures. I know it will be hard to see what she is doing, but it is something that you will, probably, need to do to be sure of what she is doing so you have proof.

Good luck. A cheating spouse is something very hard to deal with. I have been there and DON'T want to go thru that again.
That's it....
Sounds like she is cheating on you. Ask her straight out what is going on.
well tell her that you will meet her at her work and make up a little get together ( even if its 3 am)that she can't say that she doesn't know when she will be finished and don't let her out of your sight to make any calls or to type a message to some one. just don't make it obvious! Find every way to stay right in front of her at all times! if you do this then she can't tell whoever if anyone that she has you there looking at her. Do this all the time Every night she is going to be late. Or you can higher a investigator to follow her.
Leave her. Youre too good for that BS!
spy on her and when you see her with another guy beat his *** then hers
If you have been ignoring her and her needs,.......that's what she's doing. Did she come straight home and take a shower and start washing the clothes she had on?

You don't know if she's cheating or not. You have to prove it by watching her or something. I had a friend who was taking a pottery class after work to make her husband something for his birthday. She told him she was working late but she was at the pottery class. He called her at work and she wasn't there so he accused her of cheating. She told him about the surprise and of course ruined it and he felt really bad.

Some suggestions. Borrow a friends car. Follow her or have a friend follow her. Check her check stub to see if there is overtime on it. Check her purse or pockets for receipts, etc. Is she wanting sex at home or acting differently? If she is at work...check out who is working late with her.

Hope this helps.

And i know your are right she is getting down with somebody and u should of said something the first time she came in the house smelling like a bar with wrinkled cloths. your wife already know your a push over and if she do it again or if u catch her in the act she can tell u anything and u will get over it. stop act like a pu$$y and grow some balls
easy all u have to do is call cheaters u no the tv show thing trust me theyll help.
