Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am 2 weeks late?


I am 2 weeks late?performing arts show

It could be one of many symtpoms of many ailments.

1) Take a HPT

2) See a doctor

I am 2 weeks late?opera cd opera theater


Sometimes, you don't even have it for a month!

It's possiable, it happend to my friend.

And the whole side effects, it's normal.

After 3 weeks, go see the doctor!
Pregnancy is the logical answer. See a doctor.
Go to walgreens and buy clear blue easy pregnancy test. Confirm that you arte pregnant.
try 2 weeks early that way you can avoid the problems
You could be pregnant, sick, your period is coming up or your just a teen with periods that aren't predictable .
if you start throwing up..... you might be pregnant. or maybe you ate/drank affected you somehow
stress can do it too...but I would just get the test
I was three weeks late and thought I was pregnant, even though I was on the pill. I eventually got my period. I think it was stress related. Take a pregnancy test...if it is negative wait a few days and take it again. Good luck!
take a test for pregrancy but its not a big thing so just take the test just in case
is there a chance u could be pregnant ? if so take a test ,if not its probably just late and on its way
All my life, my periods have been late or non existant. Sometimes I will only get two a year. The first explanation is pregnancy. Those are all symptoms of that. Then, you have to remember that a change in hormone levels are what causes those things in the first place. If you have been under extreem stress, your period could be late and cause all types of hormone surges. Then there is the psychological portion. I know when I was trying to get pregnant, I would have all types of symptoms in hopes that I was. Or when I was worried I might be and I didnt want to be, the same thing would happen. At this point a home pregnancy test should be very accurate for you. Plus it will put your mind at ease. Good luck!
Well, the most likely explaination is pregnancy so you should get a pregnancy test and try that first. Quite often tho if you have gained or lost weight in a significant amount, been getting either more or less exercise or have been ill at all lately these can all cause the same symptoms. If you start to have frequency of urination then definately go for the pregnancy test first.
That was always my firts sign of prehnancy sore boobs! Take a test!

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?

Okay my hubby and I have been ttc for a while,I'm 8days late and yesturday I took a hpt negative. I have had bad cramping this past week, like I'm getting my period, I go and check nothing. my boobs are sore and my left on is swollen, I haven't slept in about a week. i'm tired, and cranky. Has this happen to anyone?? would really like some advice on what todo..

I'm not stressing, just trying to stay calme

But I'm hoping i'm pregnant!!!

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?ballet theater

Test again in a few days. I have heard some woman don't get a positive until they are 14 days late.

8days late need help please!! ttc #1?chicago theater opera theater

its very possibly u might have a baby on the way!
Try taking a hpt again today, it should be saying positive by now if you were though. They usually can pick up the hormone within a few days of being late.
HPTs are usually very accurate. However, I think you should do another one. If your period is usually on time, sounds like you could be pregnant. Good Luck!
It sounds like you very well may be. All of that happened with me when I was pregnant with my twins and a hpt did not show until I was 6 weeks! I highly suggest the ept hpt, it showed a faint line when ALOT of other tests did not! As for advice STAY CALM....good luck! (go get an ept and take it first thing in the morning!!)
You are showing a lot of the symptoms of pregnancy- maybe you should go out and get yourself a couple more tests just to make sure! HPTs produce more false negatives than false positives, so you could well be pregnant.

However, the only thing I would be worried about is the cramping you're experiencing. Usually when you've conceived, you'd feel a bit bloated and tender, but not usually crampy. Have a chat with your doctor to make sure there is nothing you should be worried about.

I wish you the best of luck and if you haven't conceived yet, hope you do very soon!
I'm feeling the same as you and am 5 days late with bfn, been ttc for 18 months. I'm still hoping I may be pregnant cos can't really deal with another disappointment. Just try and do another test in a couple of days and maybe go see your doctor. Baby dust to you.
You should be getting a positive result by now, BUT there are exceptions to every rule. Some women produce the pregnancy hormone at a slower rate than others, and it's not unheard of for a woman to go into her 6th week or longer with no positive test. a blood test at the Dr.'s office will give you all the answers you need! Best of luck to you.....and LOTS of baby dust :)
test again in a few days if af dont show or u might need to get a blood test done GOOD LUCK!!!

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?

Hi there - I am thinking about getting new windows and siding. I have regular wood but would like to get fiber cement (Hardie) and new windows. However, it's November and I think that it might be cheaper now (because not much work gets done this time of year) but I live in the North where the days are about 12 hours long now and the night are below freezing.

Any suggestions? Of course the siders and installers say they work year round, but wondering if there will be any potential problems with doing windows and hardie in probably late November by now. Thanks.

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?concert tickets

When they change windows out they do one at a time.They remove one and install the new one.Weather has nothing to do with it.There should be a house wrap under the new siding so that will also block out the weather.Take advantage of the late season price and make your home better for the cold weather now.

Too late in the year for new windows and siding?theater seating opera theater

if you can close off a portion of your place and shift that closed off portion around as the pur in the new windows then it shouldnt be a problem or additional expence. we did that in nov to get the cheaper rates. the siding should be not problem unless the snow starts piling up. the other option is to go on vacation for a week and come backl to a completed house. have someone there to make things are on the up and up.
Depends on how far nth you are, the wet is liable to come in early ,but we get a heap of rain in Nov.Get a roll of black plastic to cover the walls they are working on if it looks like rain. If your getting a builder to do the work make sure he covers up each night. I don't think you will have worry about potential problems.

I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?

Hi everyone, I'm one week late now with my period. ( Never been that late before ) My husband and I have been trying for less than a year now. I've taken 4 HPT's and they all came out negative.. Same test First Response. My breast feel tender and I feel bloated. My stomach looks like a poach, It's getting slightly bigger. I feel very warm, my tempearture is about 98 to 99 degrees every morning. I'm craving sweets more than usual. At times I feel nausea.Is there a posibility that I still might be pregnant . Or has anyone experienced these same symtoms with negative HPT's before. HELP!!!!

I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?performing art center


I'm one week late now with my period. Can I be pregnant?theatre tickets opera theater

you have all the symptoms
are u taking any medicine cause it could be that
See your gyno and get a real test.

If your having trouble getting prenant, you may also have a condition that is difficult for store bought tests to verify.
Do you know when/if you ovulated? That would be the best way to know if it's actually too early to test or not.

You can call your dr. and go in for a blood test, which would be more accurate.
take a trip to your doctor to find out for sure
Definitely a possibility! You should get yourself checked out by a doctor. And if you are then CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Ask a doctor I would say. But, then again, I am just an 11 year old girl so...
you dont start show until a few months wait anther week for the test then go to the doctors.
The only real results come from the blood test from your OB/GYN. I had a similar situation and was pregnant. Good luck!
One week may not be pregnant enough for it to register on the tests. Wait two weeks and then retest. Or go see the Dr.

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?

My cycle is very regular, like clockwork. I was either due on the 10th or 12th, and it's now the 17th. I got all the PMS symptoms 1 1/2 wks. before I was due that I always get: crabby, sore boobs, emotional, craving junk foods, cramps in all the same places, tired, bloated, and I had some major hot flashes. Now the only symtoms I have is VERY sore and swollen boobs and some cramps and back pains like I'm gonna start any day now and my skin is breaking out. I don't feel irritable or emotional anymore and I'm not craving junk food and I'm not getting hot flashes. I don't feel sick or tired, either. Is it possible for your body to reset its cycle every now and then? If I am ever late super late like this, it's only like once a year. I have never used birth control, either. It's possible I was ovulating when I had sex last month, but like I said, home preg. test came out negative. I have a doc appt. next week, but I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this before.

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?oper

Been there, done that! I was three weeks late and a BLOOD test came up negative! My son is turning 7 on Saturday! It definitely sounds like symptoms of pregnancy. Try one of the dropper tests. They are more accurate than the pee on a stick ones. That is the only one that came up positive with my son (two days after the negative blood test).

Period is a week late, home preg. test says neg?hollywood theater opera theater

Did you have sex? You left that part out....take a test again in a few days.
have you tryed haveing a pregnancy blood test done? i hear there a lot better then home tests

and my doctor told me it was stress

maybe around this time of the year you get stressed out

and you stressing about it is only making it worse
Ok, nice storry, one week? get another pregnancy kit, then see your doctor
change in diet or stress can make you miss a period, but you can still get all the PMS symptoms - its happened to me before. Usually preg tests are pretty accurate these days but I reckon you should maybe wait a couple of days and take another one - make sure its done first thing in the morning (first pee). Good luck!!!
The body does funny things during times of stress, you could be late because of your stress/anticipation over getting pregnant. BUT - pregnancy tests these days are pretty darn accurate. I've taken some from the dollar store when I thought I was pregnant and it was right. If you know your body well enough, you will just know! Take another test in the next couple of days, shoot take a few to be for sure. If you are still late in the next week, go to the DR. Good luck %26amp; relax, it will happen when your body is ready!!!

Too late ???

hi, i am coming to be 18 in a few months. i want to become a pro heavyweight boxer and i believe that if i work really really hard everyday, i may be able to catch up, i know i am a little late. is it possible to pull that off with a lot of training. what do you need to be a good boxer? good atitude? stamina, speed? power? what else??? i am not hoping to be amateur, i wanna be world champ.

and another thing i want to do is become an actor, i wanna do both at the same time, cause you don't fight everyday, just once or twice a month.i know acting can be done any age, but not boxing. but if i go for heavyweight, i'll be a little fat, won't i? not ideal for movies is it?? any advice would be appreciated(pleae be nice).

i don't want to waste anymore time, i really need to start getting in these things. isn't that right, please reaply, bye

Too late ???theater

First things your homework regarding both of these fields.

Both boxing and acting require intense amounts of training and preparation - building stamina, speed, strength and skill for boxing, cultivating your acting skills (because not everybody is believable on-screen, you have to truly work at it to get good enough to be famous...remember that "She Bangs" guy from American Idol? SCARY!!!)

As both fields are labor-intensive, you'll find that picking one or the other to devote your initial undivided efforts to would be the better course of action - it's far better to give 100% to one area than to try and split your efforts and fail at both.

If you decide to take the boxing route, you'll need to find a reputable gym/training facility, seek out a trainer who is willing to work with you (remember: these guys are not doing this for charity's sake, you're going to PAY THEM to train you), and then you'll be spending countless hours working on your footwork, your hand speed and accuracy, your strength and stamina, and you'll do it all over again the next day.

Choosing acting is no easier, as you'll find that you'll need to enroll in a reputable acting course (because "natural talent" is such a rare commodity that it's virtually unheard of any more), find an acting coach, possibly a voice coach as well, and again: you'll be paying these people for their time and expertise. More of the countless hours will be spent first learning the craft and skills they're teaching you, then working to perfect these new abilities.

Either way you go, you're in for a long road of very, VERY hard work. Nothing worthwhile is easy, and these both will prove that to you, no matter which you choose.

Good luck to you, and I'm looking forward to being able to say, "...and I knew him when..."

Too late ???london theatre opera theater

you may fight only a few times a month but don't forget about all the praticing, weight lifting, working out your going to have to do. since your saying your starting late....means you'll have to work EXTRA hard to catch up, i would say pick one of the two and become AWESOMELY awesome at one of them. so yah, pick one and go find yourself a trainer one the one you pick and have fun with it!

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?

If I will be getting a refund, is it ok if I file late? Is there any penalties for filing late?

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?theatre

The IRS could add a penalty but they rarely do. To file for an extension complete IRS form 4868 and mail it before April 17th. That will give you six months to file. This link will take you that form.

Is there fines and late fees for filing tax for refund?opera music opera theater

If you are getting a refund, why would you file last?
don't file late. send in 4868 request for extension. this gets you till october 15 to get filing in
Damn! What a bunch of BAD info!

There are penalties for late filing and late payment of tax. The penalty is based upon how much tax is due. If no tax is due, there is NO penalty, at least at the Federal level.

States may be different. Some follow the Federal lead and don't charge for late filing but others DO assess a penalty for late filing even when a refund is due. OH is a good example. They assess an automatic $500 penalty for late filing even when a refund is due. If your refund isn't large enough to cover the penalty they'll send you a bill.
Well said, Bostonian!

Penalties for late filing are imposed only if you file after the due date and you owe.

If you're due a refund, you have up to 3yrs. from the date the return was due to collect.
If you are due a refund, there aren't any penalties, and there's nothing to charge interest on. But you have to file within three years of the original deadline for the return, or you'll lose your refund.
the 3 above me are correct. Technically you are breaking the law when you don't file on time and IRS COULD prosecute you criminally, but they will not cuz no jury would convict you for not filing on time when/if you have a refund due.
Yes, even if you are getting a refund you cannot file late without penalty. The govt charges interest for late filers. You can file for an extension but you would still be charged a penalty.
