Saturday, December 5, 2009

When did you go into labor with your 1st? early late?

I'm 33 weeks pregnant. When did you all go into labor? Was it early, late, where were you when your water broke? Was it a full moon? I suppose I COULD go into labor anytime now right? some people are early. I drive over a mountain road every day with no cell reception and I worry that my water will break when I'm driving over this road. Are most first babies early, late, come around the full moon? I'm due December 14th and the full moon is the 24th, I'm thinking I might be late...but who knows. It is definitely getting harder to walk. I'm trying to work as much as I can before the baby arrives.

When did you go into labor with your 1st? early late?theatre

I gave birth to my first at 39 weeks, and my water broke at the hospital.

When did you go into labor with your 1st? early late?opera music opera theater

I was two weeks early with my first had been to the doctor the day before and was told my cervix wasnt ready so it would be probably be another couple weeks. I have the baby the next night.
I went into labor right on time, maybe a few days past the due date. My water broke around 5 a.m. while I was sleeping, but I felt that big gush of water, so it woke me up.

Congrats and Good Luck!
i went into labor about a week before due date

my water broke in bed, but i passed the mucus plug so i was ready, spotting
with my first I was 3 days early and I worked until 2 days before I had him. With my second I was almost 3 weeks (17 day) early. and not sure about my third they (not sure what yet) are due may 1st

congrats and you should try to get as much sleep as you can

also don't worry too much about that road without reception after your water breaks you usually have a little bit of time to get to a hospital. And your not in soo much pain you cna't function
I was 2 weeks late............ Also Labor does not happen like on TV except in VERY rare cases! You do not get stuck in an elevator, go into labor and have the baby an hour later! Even if your water breaks, it will likely be HOURS! If you are nervous on this drive set up an arrangemnt like calling a friend when you start it and say...I should reach home at such and such time if you dont hear from me can you send someone out to check on me. It is called labor because it is a lot of work.....don't worry your baby wont just fall out!
My first child was 3 days past her due date. My water didn't break until I was already at the hospital though. My second child was a week early though and water broke at home while I was cooking dinner. Good luck, your baby will come when it is ready not moon will really have an effect on the time.
I was a week late with the first and induced with the second. I have heard that all phones must be able to access emergency even if you have no minutes (on a pay as you go) or no coverage. you might want to try it at some point or call your local provider and ask. if that is the case you only have to worry about them getting to you. At 33 weeks you should not have to worry yet about labor, but if you think there is something up tell your doc. if you are not already your doc should be seeing you weekly towards the end of you pregnancy. this way she can keep an eye on whether you are dialating and how the baby is doing. if you are nervous, you can see her more often, but discuss it with him/her. good luck
2 days after my due date, i started feeling contractions at about 8pm, went to the hospital at midnight, and she was born at 8:10am, it wasnt a full moon and the nurse actually had to break my waters for me, it just wasnt happening naturally. (",)
I have heard that only 1 % of 1st babies come on their due date. It will help if you were clock work with your periods.

I have had 3 babies

1 st on due date, but i knew that i must have been pregnant by lunchtime of period due.( that clock work)

2nd : 10 days early

3rd : 10 days late.

Remember that it is the baby that kickstarts labour.
I just had my son about 7 months ago and he was early. I went into labor at 33 wks and 3 days. So, I was about 7 weeks early. He was perfectly healthy, spent a week in the NICU and got to come home.

The last full moon was 12 days before I went into labor

I went into labor probably around 11pm-midnite, but I didn't know I was in labor. I began leaking fluid, so my water never really broke. I went the ER and they told me I was in labor and the baby was going to be born. He was my first baby, but I had trouble carrying in the past, so he was technically my 5th pregnancy, because I had 4 losses.
I was 4 weeks early with my first, I just started contracting. My water didn't break or anything. I wouldn't worry too much about being away from home when labor starts, you will have lots of time. I think that most first babies are late though and labor will last for a while. I was lucky and only had 4 hours of actual hard labor. Good luck!!!
My first one was 2 weeks late..I thought she would never come out of there lol

I cant remember if it was a full moon or not..interesting thought though.
I was 2 weeks Early =) My due date was 02/07/07 and I had My son on 01/20/07.

? I don't recall if it was a Full Moon or not.

?My water broke when I was in the hospital and 3 hours later I had my son.

?I hope you have an easy delivery and a speedy recovery.

?Just keep in mind that every baby is different and that you might have the baby soon or the baby might come in late. Soon enough you'll get to meet your bundle of Joy.

Congrats Mommy to be.
My son came early. I had him a little before 35 weeks. I had him on a monday,the day before we went to the local dragstrip and the friday before I was workin. I had no signs of him going to be early at all. I woke up on monday morning to get ready for work and thought that I "tinkled" in my sleep or something. Went to go get in the shower and to my surprise my water had broke. And now that you mentioned it, I look and it was the day after a full moon.
I went into labor 2 weeks and 2 days early, but actually delivered 2 weeks early.
Mostly after 40 the week you will go to the labor , wait for that time , do not be in a hurry, Yours,

I m a man ,cant go in labour even i want.
I've never been pregnant. I am male.

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