I was just told that a daughter of a friend is getting a late term abortion and she's only 15!!!!! I am concern and worried. Isn't this dangerous? for the teen? as well as baby? Should I talk to my friend...but I'm not supposed to know.:(
Has anyone ever had a late term abortion or knows someone who has?sunshine
It is none of your concern. I have known several women who had late term abortions. In each case there were serious medical problems and the mother's life was in danger. You shouldn't judge when you know nothing about it. Thank god it's not YOU and you don't have to make that awful decision.
Late term abortion is very safe when done by a professional.
Sadie, you have been reported. Next time give your opinion without being inflammatory and spouting off propaganda.
It is so unfortunate that people are so quick to judge, when they have never been in this situation. Why is everyone an expert until it happens to them? Why is everyone so quick to judge, as if they have never done one bad thing in their whole lives? It's weird, but I guess I have enough going on in my life without sitting in judgment of others.
Has anyone ever had a late term abortion or knows someone who has?star theater opera theater
You should stay out of it - it is none of your business - maybe there are other factors you do not know about - maybe a medical reason as well as her age not to mention the circumstances of how she became pregnant..
Just keep your nose out of it (not to sound rude) but it is none of your business unless the mother or the daughter asked you for your opinion. Who ever told you about it should have kept ther mouth shut as well.
its dangerous... but its their decision.... my aunt had a late term abortion and now she can never have kids again... i guess it all depends... good luck
OMG. Its dangerous for the girl and of course its dangerous for baby..... she is after all trying to kill it.
I didn't know there was anyone out there who did that. I thought it was illegal after a certain point in pregnancy. You may want to tell b/c what if its someone from the street just doing it to make a quick buck? So many things can happen and it could even result in her death.
it's dangerous for the baby in way the baby is no longer going to exist. It can be more riskier for mom too. but as long as she's in good medical care and health, she should be ok.
Yes the later in pregnancy you have an abortion, the more dangerous it is for the mommy (and of course abortion is never safe for the baby). Also, since she has likely felt the baby move and maybe even seen it's perfecly-formed human body on an ultrasound, it's much more likely to be psychologically harmful.
Please talk to your friend about it. Late-term abortions are not only more dangerous, they're just plain sick.
my friend did and from what i can gather it was the worst thing that ever happened to her i hope shes ok x
i CANNOT believe you just asked if it was harmful to the baby! DUH! it's an abortion....yeah it's gunna be harmful to the baby! and it will probably cause emotional damage to the teen, if not physical
ok ummm y not just have the baby? if she doesn't want it just put it up for adoption.
Well I just got through reading an article on this only because I was unsure what one was. No I dont know anyone who has ever done this to be honest. But from what I have read its been banned unless something medically wrong with the baby. It is a risk as it stated but since we have better medicine she will get better. I feel sorry for the teen only because it means something is wrong with her baby. But like the first person said its not your battle to fight and to be honest I would just let them do what they need to do. Sorry. but thats how its going since its not your daughter or your life you shouldn't be affected
I think I would have to say something just because I'm against abortions but I hope that it's a medical problem not just because she is too young if that's the case then I would want the girl to educate herself on abortions.
The later in pregnancy, the more danger exists. However, some people have different definitions as to what constitutes a "late" abortion. Typically, it is an abortion performed in the third trimester. These are very difficult to procure, both legally and medically (she will have trouble finding a doctor capable of helping her). If she has progressed past 24 weeks, then depending on her location she may have to prove a health, fetal deformity, or life endangerment reason for obtaining the abortion. If this is the case, if her health or life is threatened by the pregnancy, then it is more than likely better to safeguard her health and life through an abortion than to force her to continue.
At 15, the dangers of carrying a pregnancy to begin with are much higher than for an older woman. A young woman under the age of 18 has a 90% increase in the probability that she will have a problem pregnancy WITHOUT taking any current health problems she may have into consideration. If she has pre-existing problems, she is at even greater risk of complications and life endangerment. For some particularly young Women, it is better to assume the risks of the abortion from a health perspective than it is to assume the risks of continuing the pregnancy when their underdeveloped bodies cannot handle the strain.
My cousin had a late term abortion due to a fetal deformity not picked up until the third trimester. The procedure took two days to complete and was very hard for her both physically and emotionally. It was a very wanted pregnancy (which the daughter of your friend may not want her pregnancy) in which something went tragically wrong and she decided to end the pregnancy before the fetus would feel the pain of its deformity at birth.
Yes, a late term (3rd trimester) abortion is more dangerous than an earlier abortion but in some cases it CAN and DOES preserve the health, life, and future fertility of the Women who undergo them. Only her doctor can advise her if she is one of these Women.
You might want to carefully bring the subject up with your friend by asking her how her daughter is doing and feigning innocence. If she chooses to confide in you, then you should just be a good listener and do not pass judgement. If she chooses not to, then you have done all you can.
Best of luck!
well you don't know why she's getting the abortion. many doctors ONLY perform late term abortions for maternal health OR if the fetus is fatally ill or grossly deformed. maybe her health is at stake, or maybe the fetus is fatally ill. unless you know the situation, you have no place judging her.
if done by a qualified physician, the risks are just as much as ANY OTHER medical procedure. i would at least get her side of the story as to why she's getting the abortion, but still, you should not judge her.
I know someone who has had this procedure done a couple of times, since she is soo!! young I think it might be alittle on the dangerous side. From what I understand it is a two day procedure where they first insert seaweed into the vaginal area and send you home and that somehow stops the baby from breathing. Then you go back the next day and they finish the procedure.
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