Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am a couple days late and have been experiencing cramping for a week and fatigue could i be pregna

my cycle is 37 days and my husband and i had unprotected sex around the time i was suppose to be i'm 3 days late i took a test the day before my missed period and it was negative, but i have been cramping for a whole week and thought it was my period...i have also been soo tired and feel like throwing up sometimes. My boobs have been very sensitive. I have been very moody as I want to have a baby so bad...i have had ovarian cysts(5) in the past months...could this affect me getting pregnant? Help!!

I am a couple days late and have been experiencing cramping for a week and fatigue could i be pregnant?opera mobile

If your late then take a test. Get a good one like First Response or Clear Blue and test in the morning when you first wake up

I am a couple days late and have been experiencing cramping for a week and fatigue could i be pregnant?imax theatre opera theater

you could be pregnant or your cycle could have changed.. wait about another 4 day then take the test.. good luck..
Take a test first thing in the morning. My main symptom is moodiness - everything my partner does annoys me!!

Good luck and baby dust!!!!!
please be patient. wait for 14 days and take a test

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