my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant and we started when i was most firtile.. to me i felt it right away... but im still confused i still think im only mental too.. im 5 days late on my period and ive tested 3 times and all came out negitive... i have been feeling very sick since about a week after we tryed.. and then my mood swings... im scared of myself... and i started crying non stop last night feeling ugly and stupid for some reason.. ive been getting light white discharge but no period... my breast are usually sore before my period and my boobs havent hurt at all... im extreamly confused and i was wondering could something be wrong or and im the 1 percent out of the 99 percent accurate?
I'm 5 days late on my period and i have tested 3 times since first day missed why are they showing negitive ?comedy club
my first 4 tests were negative. my husband started making fun of me for still believing i was pregnant. sometimes you know more than a stupid test. DO NOT get down on yourself. wether you are pregnant or not what's happening to your body right now is not your everyday usual. every doctor will tell you to
"act" like you are pregnant (no alcohol etcetera). wait a week before testing again, and try not to drive yourself too crazy. ask your husband for support, your friends and family... don't do this all by yourself. good luck
I'm 5 days late on my period and i have tested 3 times since first day missed why are they showing negitive ?sheet music opera theater
That can happen I once skipped a whole month I didi not get my period the doctor told me it was normal or maybe you have to do a test again
a friend of mine had the same thing happen...she took 4 or 5 tests and all came out negative, but it turned out that she was pregnant. sometimes you need a blood test to detect it early on. i would try going to the dr. and requesting one. good luck...hope you are :)
Have you been testing with first morning's urine? Be sure to get a sensitive test, such as First Response and test w/fmu so that it's more concentrated. Good luck!
It might be too early for the pregnancy hormones to be showing up in your urine just yet...go talk to your doctor within the next week, maybe a blood test ( and a little less compulsive testing and stress...) will help.
Good luck huney, children are a real blessing from God, I'm sure he will Bless you and your husband in His good time :)
There can be a few reasons for this! One is that you are stressed out over "trying" to concieve and this can be affecting any normalcy, second when I was trying to concieve I was 8+ days late on my period and when I tested it came up negative, so I blew it off when my period did start, however the following month I never got a period and it ended up being that I was prego.....
not every woman is the same and just because you have been testing since the first day of your missed period, doesnt mean that it still just isnt to early to detect the hormone, mind you that when I took a test I was at a local clinic and there urinary test missed mine! Give it time...stop stressing and try testing again in 5-10 days.
maybe you are just stressed. this happen to me back in march i was 2 1/2 wks late
Are you testing first thing in the morning? That's when the hormone levels are at their highest.
Failing that you should see a doctor.
Good luck, I hope everything works out for you soon.
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