Saturday, December 5, 2009

Am i pregnant of just late?

last month i started my period on the 17th and it last for 5 days.. usually the next month i start before the day i started the month before, therefore i think i missed my period, but for the last 5 days ive been getting cramps, its like i get a cramp for a few mintues and then it goes away though and then comes back. Whenever im about to start my period i get cramps a couple days before but not going on for 5 days. i have taken two pregnancy tests and they both say negative, would it be too soon to test maybe or am i just late on my period? i know the answer could be either or but i just want someone elses opionion on why ive been cramping for so long...........

Am i pregnant of just late?performing art center

I would say that if you are still not getting your period then I would go to the dr. and get a blood test done. this is more accurate... good luck if you are trying!

Am i pregnant of just late?theatre tickets opera theater

I'm a little confused as to the dates of when you started your LMP. If you went more then 28 days without a period and are testing negative and are now having pattern like cramps I would suggest consulting a doctor. If you are still under the 28 days and are cramping, it could just be your period about to start.

My pms and periods were the same every month for years and then one month (about 4 months ago) they completely changed. I went and had a bunch of tests done (including multiple pregnancy) and it was nothing. Just my hormones switching it up a little.
Hey - Welcome to the club I feel the same way except I was supposed to start on the 15th....

I took 4 tests all are saying negative but they tell me that to wait 2 weeks before getting a blood test friday

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