Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do jet boats from the late 1970's have reverse?

I am just getting started to getting into buying a jet boat from the late 1970s. the kind with a big block in the back and headers sticking up in the air. this might sound stupid but do these 80-100mph boats have reverse.

Do jet boats from the late 1970's have reverse?opera ticket

I sold Berkeley Jet Drives in the 70's. The unit you are looking at should have a gate that moves into the stream of water deflecting water partially under the boat to hold the jet in "neutral" and then it should fold fully over the stream of water for reverse. They are quite good at stopping in an emergency because there is no transmission to grind. You need to ask more about the jet to see if it was ever serviced or rebuilt. Jet Drives can be worn out by sand being pumped in from beaching the boat so ask some questions before you buy. These boats are a pleasure to ski behind. Don't go real fast until you get the feeling of how they maneuver.

Do jet boats from the late 1970's have reverse?pacific theater opera theater

Yes they do, but you must use it carefully. The reverser is similar to that on a jet airplane engine. It is a deflector vane or vanes that moves in front of the outlet of the jet nozzle and deflects the water backwards. Too much power and they can get messy, blowing water all over the place. Use it carefully!
yes Berkly Jet Drive used reverse in the 70's. It was unique. the engine and prop always turn the same direction. the water being discharged is diverted forward through a flap at the nozzle. they do not back up well. It worked better with short power blasts to get the direction one desires. because no moving parts change direction you could put it in reverse anytime you desired

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