Saturday, December 5, 2009

My period is 6 days late and 2 pregnancy tests came back negative. HPT and Dr.?

I am 6 days late. My cycle is always regular, even when I'm stressed. I took a HPT (First Response) it was negative. I went to Planned Parenthood and waited 2 hours to take a PG test and just incase UTI test both negative. At first they said they found a high level of white blood cells, so I had to see the clinician immediately because I had some infection and they needed to take a closer look. She checked me out and said everything was normal. I sat in the waiting room for 2 hrs and was seen for a total of 10minutes. I don't feel like I'm going to get my period. I feel slight cramping in the middle of my lower abdominals and usually my period cramps are on both sides and severe. My nipples started to feel a bit tender a week or so ago and now my breasts are really sore. Usually all of my period symptoms excluding the cramping show up a week before my period, but I'm never nauseous. I've been feeling nauseated, gaining weight, and very tired even though I haven鈥檛 done anything. And the Dr. told me that even though it didn鈥檛 look like my period was coming as of that day it was for sure coming. She also said that in the 30 years of being a clinician she鈥檚 noticed that cycles are irregular in the month of October because of weather change, but I鈥檝e looked and asked and haven鈥檛 found a reliable answer for that. I guess what I鈥檓 asking is, can the weather truly affect your cycle and should I just keep waiting. I don鈥檛 want to find out that I鈥檓 miscarrying or something else is terribly wrong with me. I have no medical insurance and Planned Parenthood seemed to just get hurry through my screening without answering why I needed to get checked if and then telling me I鈥檓 okay. I鈥檝e been getting my period since I was 9 and I鈥檝e been pregnant 7 times (2 ectopic, 4 miscarries, 1 abortion) and I was always able to find out when I was 4 weeks along. I don鈥檛 understand what is going on. Please someone give me some advice. I鈥檓 so confused and after my experience with Planned Parenthood yesterday鈥xtremely depressed. I鈥檓 not even going to go to work today鈥gain.

My period is 6 days late and 2 pregnancy tests came back negative. HPT and Dr.?city opera

First and foremost...relax. If you were always able to find out within 4 weeks of being pregnant, then something is different this time. Did PP do a blood test? I'd assume so since they also found an abnormal WBC count. I'm surprised your doctor didn't do more testing. And she actually said weather affects your cycle?? What a QUACK!

If you're going to miscarry, there's little the doctor can do for you, ie, not seeing a doctor and realizing you're pregnant will not result in miscarriages. There are illnesses that mimic pregnancy. It might be a good idea to ask a doctor about them in the event you don't get a period in the next week or so. I am concerned that you've had a number of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. This could signal some underlying problem you should have checked out. Your doctor was soooo lazy. If you can, try to find a new one.

My period is 6 days late and 2 pregnancy tests came back negative. HPT and Dr.?performing shows opera theater

Relax, you are not pregnant, and what your doctor told you about October is correct. It has been proven that the weather changing can cause depresson, which in women can cause a wacky period cycle. Take a hot bath, bubbles and some hot choclate, maybe you'll get luck and miss a whole month.
you dont give your age but considering the early age you started getting your periods and your pregnancy history, i would expect you to have problems with regularity. women change as they age and its ok to be off. planned parenthood is a good place to go for woman health, dont write them off yet. give yourself another week or two and if you still have not gotten your period, then go back to the clinic. do not be discouraged. go to work, keep your mind occupied. best wishes to you.
Were either of the test blood test . if you are only 6 days late sometimes that's the only way to know for sure. have you applied for public assistants. You seriously need a through examine after your history. Especially starting your period at such a young age.
two ectopics and you honestly thing you stand much of a chance of getting pregnant. I am assuming the order you listed your pregnancies was not accurate....but it does matter. If the doctor has happened to notice a pattern then it is likely from experience, lately i have notice a lot of women, thinking they are pregnant when they aren't.......and you know what....they have all been in October....
Maybe the weather really CAN affect periods! I was 6 days late for my periond this last time. I was supposed to get it on 10-16, and it came on the 21st! I'm never late either! I'm usually on a 25 day cycle, like clockwork. The only time I have ever been late was when I was pregnant with my son. Maybe it really is the truth that October throws your cycle off. I took 2 tests, both negative, and 2 days later my period showed up. Good luck! You should start your period in a few days, hopefully. :)
This is just too soon to be freaking out. Wait a week to 10 days more. Don't drive yourself crazy over this.
You are not pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as far as i know u have to wait 17 days at least becausei was a week late and i took a test but it was negitive and a week and a half later i went to the doctors and took another test and boom i was pregnant but i was only 16 at da time so my body could have been slower to tell.but anyway best of luck which ever way it turns out.

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