Saturday, December 5, 2009

My period is now 2wks late?

i have taken 3 preg tests which say negative but i have never been late in 15years. I am getting nausea, period like cramps, sensitive teeth and also tender breasts on and off. I visited the doc today and he just told me that chemist tests are very accurate and that was it practically. There is something not right anyway. Any help out there?

My period is now 2wks late?opera singer

You need to find a new Dr honey because you sound like your pregnant. I had friend who was going through the same thing it's turns out some women never get a postive on a pregnancy test. You need to take the blood test I bet if you had a blood test it would come back postive sounds like your Dr is being just plan lazy. And if your are pregnant you need to know so you take care of you and that baby.

My period is now 2wks late?amc theater opera theater

go to a different doctor who is willing to do a blood test because those are accurate, urine test are not always. either way you should be referred to an ob/gyn to find out whats up if you really arent pregnant.
hi...when i first got pregnant and the 1st 4 came bk negative..if your only a few weeks pregant your body dosnt actually no it yet so ur test will come up give it about 2 weeks n try agaiN! good luck xx
Go to another doc this happend to my aunt she took 5 test all neg and her doc said ur just stressin and no about a month later when she finaly got seen by him agine oh look she was prego so please go to a nother doc it will be best oh and good luck
go to a different dr and demand a blood test, if thats negaitve your dr would perscribe provera to induce your period

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